Who was this Belgian-Argentine artist? Read all about him in the detailed biography brought to you in timeline format.
ProjectVD is something new, which we would like to start up, but where we need the help of people who are committed to art and more specifically to the works of Victor Delhez. All information about this project can be found on this page.
In the works for sale section of this website you can buy genuine works and in most cases signed by the artist, directly from the private collection of one of Delhez’s descendants. We know that in the past there were some problems with the payment system, but those should be solved now.
Can’t decide which work to buy? Take a stroll through the virtual museum to experience Victor Delhez in an interactive way.
Exhibitions gives an overview of worldwide exhibitions of his work in the past, and currently ongoing exhibitions.
Always wanted to know how many works Delhez made during his life? In ‘Works Overview’ you can find a full list or by series of the more that 1.500 works the artist has created.
Be sure to visit the Delhez Fanshop. As a true Delhez lover you can buy all kinds of products related to Delhez and his works over there.
If you have a question or proposal, use the contact page to take up contact with us, and be sure to check out the VD Newsletter section of the website too.
Last but not least, don’t forget you can visit the Victor Delhez website in more than 100 languages. You can choose your language in the drop down list at the top right. The site was originally written in English, and the translations are automatic machine translations, so we cannot guarantee that they are 100% correct.