CYBER MONDAY DEAL : 10% on all works (will be automatically deducted at checkout) if you buy for €250 or more. ONLY today until midnight!

On this page you can find the latest changes. What have we changed on the website, what’s is new, if there were problems with the website what was the problem, etc… Neatly listed by date, but only from May 2023, after the big move to the new hosting provider. Have fun reading the biggest secrets of the Victor Delhez website.


Announcement of future price adjustments added to the 'works for sale' page. The Delhez family kindly asked us to use the same prices for the works of Delhez on the website as those that are common with them in Argentina. Our prices are a lot cheaper and that works disadvantageously for them, thus their request to adjust our prices. Therefore all prices will be adjusted somewhere this month.


Announcement of future price adjustments.


Our hosting provider moved the website to another server last week for technical reasons and they messed up quite a bit, which resulted in an older version of the website suddenly being online, including the request for sponsorship. The latter is no longer necessary for the time being, because we found a sponsor in April, which means that the existence of the website is in principle guaranteed until April 2028. We have therefore adjusted everything again and there has also been a general update so that the site is now completely the latest version again. We have also adjusted the exhibitions section with information about the new exhibition that will open its doors to the public tomorrow. Unfortunately, we also have bad news. Facebook has deactivated our page. They do not give an exact reason for this other than 'in violation of our terms of use'. We have tried to communicate with Meta (the company behind Facebook) but they simply do not respond to emails we send and where we ask for an explanation. For the time being, we will leave the link and the logo in the footer, but the page is no longer accessible. We hope to have this resolved at some point, but it is unclear when, that depends entirely on Facebook.


Facebook page


Link to sponsorship needed in footer


New exhibition in exhibition section


Old website after migration to other server.


General update and maintenance of the website has been done. You won't notice anything of it, it was all done in the background on server level.


General Updates


Our first Black Friday promotion is live now. Until midnight on Sunday there is a special discount on all works, starting at 10%, but the discount can go up to 30% depending on the total amount of purchase. It's also no longer possible to pay directly with Sofort, because of the rebranding with Klarna. Buyers in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, and Spain can use Direct Bank Transfer or SEPA Direct Debit instead.


Black Friday Weekend Promotion.


Sofort is no longer available as payment option.


Since Victor Delhez is regaining popularity again, we have implemented a price adjustment on the works (for the first time in two years!). This is how it works, when an artist becomes more famous again, the value of his works increases. From now on, works of which we have more than one copy in our collection are always a little bit cheaper than works of which we only have one copy. Once the additional works have been sold, the price of the last remaining work of the same title will increase to the price of other works in the same series. So you can make a bargain if you look around in the collection.


Price adjustment


Today we did some minor updates and site maintenance. We removed the poster and info of the latest exhibition in Buenos Aires, and have placed the poster in the solo exhibitions in the past section.


Exhibition info removed


Website Core


Only today we learned of the death of Alberto Chris (Cristian) Delhez, Victor's second son. Chris passed away on October 20, 2022. The biography info has been updated with this sad fact.


Biography updated with the death of Chris Delhez, Victor's second son.


After being offline for almost five days, the Victor Delhez website is finally back! It were terrible days with little sleep and a lot of stress... It all started Monday afternoon with the idea to upgrade to a faster hosting account. We only had 1.5 GB of RAM on our hosting account and that started to cause problems. So we decided to do a decent upgrade and invest our last savings in an account with 6GB RAM, or three times more RAM memory. That operation should normally have taken only a few hours, but it ended up being almost five days because after moving the website to the new server, we couldn't import the database of the website anymore, and there were some minor other problems too making the website completely unreachable, even for us as website administrators. The whole website was down! After numerous e-mails back and forth with the support service of our hosting provider and a considerable waiting time because the technical service had to intervene to get everything right again, it finally worked out today. Our sincere apologies that the site has been offline for so long, that was really unforeseen!


Server Upgrade. 2 cores 1.5GB RAM with shared resources to 4 cores 6GB RAM with dedicated resources.


New exhibition added in the exhibitions section.


Minor updates to the lists of solo and groups exhibitions.


'We need you' page updated.


Donation thermometer added on the 'We need you' page.


We've added a brand new page, the 'We Need You' page. For what do we need you? Go and read, just click on the image/text at the right side of the footer.


"We need you" page.


We don't know for sure what caused it (probably the removal of the notification banner yesterday) but suddenly the main menu was invisible in certain (most) web browsers making it impossible to navigate through the website.


Fixed the problem with the main menu.


Several minor updates and security update.


Removed the notification banner that the site has been moved.


We had some problems today with plugins that made the database crashing. We had to put the site briefly offline to check things. It looks everything is back to normal now.


Updated the text color in the new footer from white to black (and dark red) because this is better readable.


Created a new page, 'Changelog' You're on it right now. 🙂


Database crashes.


We did a lot today as you can see.


New footer created.


Automatic currency conversion added to the Works For Sale section.


More accurate system to generate live shipping rates in the Works For Sale section.


The old server at the previous hosting provider was shut down.


The Victor Delhez website is back live at the server of the new hosting company. First tests show that the website is now 3 to 4 times faster than before.


The website is back live.


New main menu created.


DNS propagation completed.


Migration took a while since we not only had to move the Victor Delhez website, but also six other websites we own. The Victor Delhez website stays in 'Maintenance Mode' because we now have to check a lot of things, and have to finetune the webserver.


Checking all kinds of stuff (and very little sleep).


Changing DNS servers initiated.


Migration process to Hostinger completed.


Migration process to Hostinger initiated.


A big step today, we decided to switch from hosting provider. After much comparison, we finally chose Hostinger as our new hosting company.


New hosting account activated.


The last few months we had a lot of Gateway Timeout Errors on the website, causing the site to be very slow or not reachable at all. Although support from our hosting company was very good, they couldn't offer us a solution, so we decided to search for one ourselves...


When visiting the Victor Delhez website many error 524's occur (Gateway Timeout Error).


The site is very slow.