In this section of the website you can find an overview of current and upcoming exhibitions of Victor Delhez.
There’s also a list of exhibtions held in the past either solo exhibitions with only works from Delhez or group exhibitions were Delhez was one of the participating artists.
We have plans to organize one or more exhibitions ourselves in the future on condition we can find the right people to work together with. If you should be interested to work together (or if you’re the organizer of an exhibition that includes work of Delhez) feel free to take up contact with us by using the contact form on this website.
There’re no exhibitions planned at this moment, but there is possibly a big Delhez project coming up in Belgium in 2025 or later. We are currently in negotiations about this. As soon as there is more clarity we will let you know.
No other exhibitions are planned at this moment, but we hope that in 2025 there will be more exhibitions of Delhez. As soon we have more info about this you can read it here.

Hundreds of exhibitions have been held worldwide over the years with works from Victor Delhez. Sometimes solo, sometimes in group with other artists. It’s very hard to make a complete list, so we used as source the Breda Catalog from the Breda exhibition in 1956 and we updated the list in that catalog with some information from the family archive.
Both lists have a search function on top to search for a specific exhibition and you can sort the columns by clicking on the black arrows that will become visible when you hover with your mouse over the right end of each field.
These two lists are certainly not complete lists. If you have more info about exhibitions concerning the works of Delhez that are not listed in these lists feel free to share this info with us by using the contact form on this website.
Belgian Society | Argentina | Buenos Aires | July | 1926 |
Asociación Amigos del Arte | Argentina | Buenos Aires | June | 1926 |
Asociación Amigos del Arte | Argentina | Buenos Aires | September | 1928 |
Convivio de Cursos Catolicos | Argentina | Buenos Aires | October | 1928 |
Amigos del Arte | Argentina | Buenos Aires | August | 1929 |
Convivio | Argentina | Buenos Aires | September | 1929 |
Amigos del Arte | Argentina | Buenos Aires | October | 1932 |
Amigos del Arte | Argentina | Buenos Aires | June | 1933 |
Club Social | Bolivia | Cochabamba | June | 1934 |
Citculo Militar | Bolivia | La Paz | September | 1935 |
Salon del Consejo Departamental | Bolivia | Potosi | November | 1935 |
Salon de Honor de la Prefectura | Bolivia | Oruro | October | 1935 |
Club Social | Bolivia | Cochabamba | December | 1935 |
Galerie Petit | France | Paris | Unknown | 1936 |
Zaal Akos | Belgium | Antwerp | April | 1936 |
Paleis voor Schone Kunsten | Belgium | Brussels | March | 1937 |
Amigos del Arte | Argentina | Buenos Aires | June | 1937 |
Club Social | Bolivia | Cochabamba | July | 1937 |
Universidad de Chuquisaca | Bolivia | Sucre | August | 1937 |
Municipalidad de Potosi | Bolivia | Potosi | August | 1937 |
Universidad de San Andres | Bolivia | La Paz | August | 1937 |
Banco Central | Chile | Santiago | November | 1937 |
Zaal Akos | Belgium | Antwerp | January | 1938 |
Salon Blanco del Ministerio de Obras Publicas | Argentina | Cordoba | May | 1938 |
Galeria Renom | Argentina | Rosario | June | 1938 |
Academia de Bellas Artes | Argentina | Mendoza | September | 1938 |
Société Amigos del Arte | Argentina | Buenos Aires | September | 1938 |
Comisión de Bellas Artes, Sociedad de Artistas Plasticos | Argentina | San Miguel de Tucumán | Unknown | 1939 |
Museo Galisteo de Rodriguez | Argentina | Santa Fé | October | 1939 |
Salon Blanco del Ministerio de Obras Publicas | Argentina | Cordoba | May | 1940 |
Club Social Universidad Nacional de Cuyo | Argentina | San Juan | September | 1940 |
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo | Argentina | San Luis | October | 1940 |
Sociedad Amigos del Arte | Argentina | Buenos Aires | June | 1940 |
Palacio de Bellas Artes | Colombia | Bogota | Unknown | 1940 |
Medellin | Columbia | Medellin | Unknown | 1940 |
Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes | Argentina | Santa Fé | Unknown | 1941 |
Salon del Consejo Superior Universidad Nacional de Cuyo | Argentina | Mendoza | June | 1942 |
Dirección de Industrias | Argentina | Mendoza | July | 1942 |
Sociedad Amigos del Arte | Uruguay | Montevideo | July | 1942 |
Galeria Müller | Argentina | Buenos Aires | July | 1943 |
Colegio Nacional Santa Rosa | Argentina | Santa Rosa de la Pampa | July | 1943 |
Biblioteca Popular - Salon Brizuela | Argentina | Concepción del Uruguay | September | 1943 |
Ateneo | Argentina | Pergamino | October | 1943 |
Galeria Renom | Argentina | Rosario | August | 1944 |
Museo Municipal | Argentina | Santa Fé | September | 1944 |
Ecole Normale | Argentina | Parana | Unknown | 1944 |
Ateneo del Chaco | Argentina | Résistencia | August | 1944 |
Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes | Argentina | Santiago del Estero | July | 1944 |
Casino de las Termas del Rio Hondo | Argentina | Rio Hondo | August | 1944 |
Salon Blanco del Ministeria de Obras Publicas | Argentina | Cordoba | August | 1945 |
Salon de la Casa Kraft | Argentina | Buenos Aires | November | 1945 |
Galeria Feltrup | Argentina | Mendoza | June | 1945 |
Galeria Gimenez | Argentina | Mendoza | June | 1946 |
Galeria Müller | Argentina | Buenos Aires | August | 1946 |
Galerie Freudenberg | Switzerland | Zürich | January | 1947 |
Museo de Bellas Artes de La Plata | Argentina | La Plata | August | 1947 |
Spaanse Brabander | Belgium | Antwerp | Unknown | 1947 |
Biblioteca Rivadavia | Argentina | Bahia Blanca | October | 1947 |
Club del Progreso | Argentina | General Roca | November | 1947 |
Independiente | Argentina | Neuquen | November | 1947 |
Museo de Bellas Artes | Argentina | Tandil | March - April | 1948 |
Instituto Social de la Universidad del Litoral | Argentina | Santa Fé | August | 1948 |
Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes | Argentina | Parana | September | 1948 |
Palacia de Bellas Artes | Mexico | Mexico City | August | 1948 |
Museo Municipal | Argentina | Rosario | November - December | 1948 |
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo | Argentina | Mendoza | November | 1948 |
Galeria Gimenez | Argentina | Mendoza | July - August | 1949 |
Galeria Müller | Argentina | Buenos Aires | October | 1949 |
Salon de la Casa Kraft | Argentina | Buenos Aires | September | 1950 |
Museum voor Moderne Kunst | The Netherlands | Utrecht | June - July | 1950 |
Dirección Provincial de Turismo | Argentina | San Luis | March - April | 1951 |
Casa de España | Argentina | San Juan | June | 1951 |
Gentes de Arte de AvalIaneda | Argentina | Buenos Aires | August | 1951 |
Museo de Bellas Artes | Argentina | La Plata | August | 1951 |
Agrupación Cultural | Argentinia | Gualeguay | October | 1951 |
Accion Catolica | Argentina | Cordoba | August | 1952 |
Galeria Gimenez | Argentina | Mendoza | September | 1952 |
Galeria Müller | Argentina | Buenos Aires | October - November | 1952 |
L’ Atelier | Canada | Quebec | November | 1952 |
Casino Mar del Plata | Argentina | Mar del Plata | January | 1953 |
Mount Staint Vincent College | Canada | Halifax | February | 1953 |
Casa de Mendoza | Argentina | Buenos Aires | July | 1953 |
Comité voor Artistieke Werking | Belgium | Antwerp | July | 1953 |
Universidad Nacional | Argentina | La Plata | August | 1953 |
Gibbs | USA | Charleston | July | 1954 |
Cenaculum | Argentina | Rivadavia | July | 1954 |
Galeria Gimenez | Argentina | Mendoza | October | 1954 |
Smithsonian Institution | USA | Washington D.C | November - December | 1954 |
Paleis voor Schone Kunsten | Belgium | Brussels | January | 1955 |
Salon de la Municipalidad | Argentina | La Riosa | May | 1955 |
Galeria MüIler | Argentina | Buenos Aires | July - August | 1955 |
Biblioteca popular | Argentina | Concepción del Uruguay | August - September | 1955 |
Agrupación Cultural | Argentina | Gualeguay | July | 1955 |
Instituto de Cultura Hispanica | Spain | Madrid | April | 1956 |
Unknown | Spain | Barcelona | Unknown | 1956 |
Galerie Petit | France | Paris | Unknown | 1956 |
Sacred Heart Women University of Tokyo | Japan | Tokyo | Unknown | 1956 |
Hinai | Japan | Hinai | Unknown | 1956 |
Cultureel Centrum | The Netherlands | Breda | August - September | 1956 |
Mainichi | Japan | Tokyo | Unknown | 1965 |
AMVC Letterenhuis | Belgium | Antwerp | May | 1981 |
Landhuis | Belgium | Lillo | May - July | 2002 |
Bolsa de Comercio de Mendoza | Argentina | Mendoza | April | 2013 |
Casa Municipal de la Cultura Raúl Otero Reiche | Bolivia | Santa Cruz | June | 2015 |
Museo de Artes Plásticas Eduardo Sívori | Argentina | Buenos Aires | July | 2015 |
Espacio Cultural Julio Le Parc | Argentina | Mendoza | November - December | 2016 |
Felixart Museum | Belgium | Drogenbos | October - January | 2016 - 2017 |
Bodega Trivento | Argentina | Mendoza | July - September | 2017 |
Piazza Casa de Arte | Argentina | Mendoza | August | 2018 |
Museo Sivori | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 8th of June - August 21st | 2023 |
Felixart Museum | Belgium | Drogenbos | September - January | 2024 - 2025 |
Sometimes Delhez’s works were exhibited in collaboration with other artists. Below you can find a list of these group exhibitions in the past. We only had very limited information about group exhibitions that were held in the past, so there is a lot of ‘unknown’ in this list.

This was a group exhibition in Ostend, Belgium (Transatlantic Modernisms Belgium & Argentina 1910 – 1958) and contained work from Victor Delhez, Frans Masereel, Marthe Donas, Paul Delvaux, Georges Vantongerloo, Anne Bonnet, Jo Delahaut en Alejandro Xul Solar, Emilio Pettoruti, Raquel Forner, Joaquin Torres García, Tomas Maldonado, Victor Magariños, and Juan Del Prete. The exhibition opened on 12/02/2022 and was closed on 12/06/2022 at Mu.ZEE (Romestraat 11) in Ostend, Belgium
Unknown | Nationaal Salon van Buenos Aires | Belgium | Leuven | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | Unknown | Chile | Santiago de Chile | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | Unknown | Chile | Vina del Mar | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Santa Fé | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Rosario | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | General Art Exhibition | The Netherlands | Amsterdam | Unknown | 1936 |
Unknown | General Art Exhibition | The Netherlands | The Hague | Unknown | 1936 |
Unknown | General Art Exhibition | The Netherlands | Rotterdam | Unknown | 1936 |
Unknown | Panorama van de gravure | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 1939 |
Unknown | 7th International Exhibition lythographic and woodengraving | USA | Chicago | Unknown | 1940 |
Unknown | Grafiek in Argentinië | Argentina | Rosario | Unknown | 1942 |
Museum van Schone Kunsten | Gravures in het Museum voor Schone Kunsten | Belgium | Brussels | Unknown | 1942 |
Unknown | Argentijnse grafiek | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 1946 |
Unknown | Belgische grafiek | Czechoslovakia | Prague | Unknown | 1946 |
Unknown | Belgische grafiek | France | Paris | Unknown | 1946 |
Paleis voor Schone Kunsten | Together with Brocas, Cantré, Minne, Tytgat, & Van Straten | Belgium | Brussels | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | Contemporanean Argentine engravers | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 1948 |
Unknown | Books & Graphic from Belgium | Italy | Rome & Milano | Unknown | 1948 |
Petit palais | Exposition internationale de graphisme contemporain | France | Paris | Unknown | 1949 |
Koninklijke Maatschappij voor Dierkunde | Het dier in de grafische kunsten | Belgium | Antwerp | Unknown | 1952 |
Unknown | Biennial Madrid | Spain | Madrid | Unknown | 1952 |
Biblioteca y Mediateca Pública Municipal Manuel Belgrano | Unknown | Argentina | Mendoza | June | 2016 |
Mu.ZEE | Trans-Atlantic modernisms. Belgium and Argentina ca. 1910-1958 | Belgium | Ostend | February 12th - June 12th | 2022 |