The Victor Delhez Virtual Gallery is a virtuel museum. It’s unique in its kind because it’s a place to experience Victor Delhez in 3D Virtual Reality.
You can navigate with your mouse. Just hold down the left mouse button and you can start moving around. By clicking the left mouse button you’ll move to the location the green dot with footprints shows, but this can sometimes go slow. The best way to move around is by using your keyboard arrow keys (up, right, down and left) or keyboards letters (Q,W,E,A,S,D). At the bottom left side of the window you can see the map of the museum and your position in it. By clicking on a work or picture a window with more information will open.
ATTENTION : Please be aware that when you visit this page for the first time it can take a while (2 to 3 minutes if you have a slow internet connection) before the Victor Delhez Virtual Gallery is completely loaded and becomes visible. Just be patient.