Here will come the Terms & Conditions. We still have to think about this whole mambo jambo, so at this time you will only find some text here to see if the Terms & Condtions page is working when clicked on the link at the shopping cart page.
If you can read this from the shopping cart page this means the bloody shit is working like it should work which is always a big suprise when using that fucking Woo-commerce plugin that has the worst manual I’ve ever seen in 25 years of Internet precense.
Luckily there is YoiuTube that has some fine tutorials to help you otherwise I would have uninstalled that stupid Woo-commerce thing for ages already. People that created this should be executed on the spot !
And so we can keep going on, but actually we’re only typing shit to see if the shit is working. If the shit works we’re happy, if not we will transform into the Hulk !