Like already mentioned Victor Delhez only made eight prints of each engraving and afterwards he destroyed the so called printing block. Only a few of those printing blocks have survived. Below you can find a gallery of printing blocks that were not destroyed. For most of them we don’t know the title or series they belong to. Delhez has either not written it down or his handwriting is so unreadable we don’t have a clue what it means.
These remaining printing blocks are not for sale (unless we get an extremely good offer for all of them) neither they can be used to make new prints because the wood or metal has not survived time very well. These printing blocks are just items we show on the website for the huge Delhez fan.
Use the arrows to move through the series of print blocks and click on a picture to enlarge it in a lightbox.
(Please note : The frist time you load this page it can take up to one minute before you can use the arrows)