We don’t know exactly how many works Delhez has created during his life, but it must be at least 1.500 works. From each work he made eight prints before destroying the original engraving block, which means there are at least 12,000 original works of Delhez in circulation worldwide.
Big question : Where are all those works today? Some are in museum collections, some are in private collections. It will be impossible to locate them all, but we hope to locate as many as possible. On the interactive map below you can find the locations of works we know about. Click on the icons for more info.
If you should own one or more works from Victor Delhez, please let us know by using the contact form (opens in a new window) so we can add the info to the map. If you’re a private owner please don’t be afraid to share information with us. Unless you specifically ask us to do so (because you may wish to sell the works you own) we will NEVER display your exact address, your name or other personal information. We will only show how many works you have, your initials, your city, and the marker will always be placed on the city hall of that city, NOT on your private address of course! Example: ‘Private Collection P.M. (Antwerp) – (Number of works)‘ where the marker will be placed on the city hall of Antwerp. Private collections have a red marker. For works in museum collections (orange marker) or other public places and art gallery’s (green marker) the marker will always be placed on the exact location of the museum or art gallery, in most cases with a link to their website.
If you see a number on the map instead of the marker with Delhez’s image in it, you need to zoom in a bit more (using the mousewheel or +/- buttons) because on that location there’re several different owners of works from Delhez.