It’s Delhez time! If we say that it is Delhez time, we actually mean it is Delhez time. Take a look at these unique Delhez watches and clocks. Great to wear yourself, to hang in your house or as a gift for a Delhez fan.
For watches we only have one design, at this moment, the one with Delhez’s self portrait and the url of the website. The ‘Delhez Watch’ design has as default the black leather vintage model. Maybe you don’t like what you see, but after selecting the ‘Delhez Watch’ design of your choise (white or black) you’ll be able to change the model of the watch. We have more than 40 models of watches for men, women and kids to choose from. Go and explore them! The design for the customizable watch (where you can customise the colour of the top and bottom band, the keeper, hand and face) and the pocket watch have limited models and styles available however.
For the Victor Delhez clocks we have a few special made designs, always in white, black, red and blue. There’re two sizes available, medium size with a diameter of 20,3 cm or large size with a diameter of 27,3 cm. Default size is medium but you can change this to large once you have chosen a design if you like.