A nice gift for anyone who loves puzzles would be a puzzle of a Victor Delhez engraving. We have made a small selection of some of Delhez’s works and made them available as a puzzle. There’re seven types of each puzzle available, either 30 oversized pieces, 56 pieces, 110 pieces, 252 pieces (default size), 520 pieces, 676 pieces or 1014 pieces. You can choose the number of puzzle pieces once you have selected a work. Not all engravings are suitable for a puzzle of 1014 pieces due resolution limitations. We recommend a puzzle of 252, 520 or 676 pieces.
Please keep in mind that we have recut the engravings for the puzzles so Delhez’s signature is never visible on the puzzles and they are never 100% exact copies of the original engraving. Up to 0.5cm is missing on top, left and right of the engraving. We did this on purpose, because if you pay several hundreds of euros for an engraving you want something that nobody else has and not something that can be bought as a puzzle for a 10th of what you paid for your original and signed engraving. We hope you understand our policy concerning this. An engraving is piece of art to put on a wall, a puzzle is a toy to play with on a table. Both are two totally different items, but still a true puzzle lover will love the puzzles we offer in this section of the fanshop.