Unknown Works
Some of the works of Victor Delhez don’t have a title written on it. If you know Delhez created more than 1.000 engravings during his life, it’s almost impossible to find the exact title of an untitled work.
Some of the works we offer in this section have a title written on it, but Victor Delhez’s handwriting is sometimes totally unreadable, and that also makes it almost impossible to find the exact title.
In this section of Works For Sale you will find the works we couldn’t add to one of the other categories since there was no title on the engraving or the title was unreadable. In the future we might be able to put these works into the correct category when we should receive the exact information of the work.
The works in this section don’t have a Breda catalog number, but we’ve created an unique X (unknown title) or XR (unreadable title) number instead. More information about the work (if any) can be found on the product pages of each work.
Showing all 20 results
X1 – Unknown Title
$367,62 -
X3 – Unknown Title
$1.523,00 -
X5 – Unknown Title
$2.048,18 -
X6 – Unknown Title
$498,92 -
X7 – Unknown Title
$393,88 -
X9 – Unknown Title
$393,88 -
X10 – Unknown Title
$367,62 -
X11 – Unknown Title
$262,59 -
X12 – Unknown Title
$262,59 -
X15 – Unknown Title
$262,59 -
X16 – Unknown Title
$262,59 -
X19 – Unknown Title
$157,55 -
X21 – Unknown Title
$2.048,18 -
X23 – Unknown Title
$1.523,00 -
X26 – Unknown Title
$1.523,00 -
XR1 – Title Unreadable
$498,92 -
XR4 – Title Unreadable
$367,62 -
XR6 – Title Unreadable
$2.048,18 -
XR7 – Title Unreadable
$2.048,18 -
XR8 – Title Unreadable