This is a complete list of Victor Delhez’s works that we know about. This list includes about 80% of the works he has ever made. The remaining 20% we have (for now) no information about, but if we get new information, we will certainly update this list. Contrary to the overview tables on the pages of the different series, there are no sub-categories here and the works are by default not sorted by series number but alphabetically.
The seven candlesticks | A1 | 25/12/1947 | 25/5/1948 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
Worship of the lamb | A2 | 25/12/1947 | 25/06/1948 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
The four horsemen of the Apocalypse | A3 | 01/01/1949 | 03/09/1949 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
Fifth and sixth seal | A4 | 10/06/1950 | 03/02/1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
The four angels | A5 | 10/06/1950 | 07/02/1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
The saints under the altar | A6 | 1950 | 17/02/1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
The four angels (variation) | A7 | 07/08/1953 | 21/02/1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
How long? | A8 | 14/12/1955 | 11/03/1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
Palms | A9 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
Half an hour of silence | A10 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
The seven trumpets | A11 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
1st trumpet - Hail and fire | A12 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
2nd trumpet - The flaming mountain | A13 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
3th trumpet - The wormwood angel | A14 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
4th trumpet - Darkening of the sun, moon and stars | A15 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
The 3 calls of the eagle | A16 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
5th trumpet - The grasshoppers | A17 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
6th trumpet - The 4 angels of the Euphrates | A18 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
St-Jan and the book of the strong angel | A19 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
St-Jan measures the temple | A20 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
Unknown | A21 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
7th trumpet - The opening of the temple of god | A22 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
Meeting of the kings in heaven | A23 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
Unknown | A24 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
The persecuted church of the dragon | A25 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
The satanic trinity | A26 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
The lamb on the Zion mountain | A27 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
The great whore, seated on the scarlet beast | A28 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
Unknown | A29 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
The 7 bowls | A30 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
The 1st cup - The cruel ulcer | A31 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
Unknown | A32 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
Unknown | A33 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
Unknown | A34 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
The 4th cup - Fire and heat | A35 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
The 5th cup - The throne of the beast | A36 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
The 6th cup - The 3 frogs | A37 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
The 7th cup - Breaking the city into three pieces | A38 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
Unknown | A39 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
Unknown | A40 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
Lamentations about Babylonia | A41 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
Joy in heaven | A42 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
Unknown | A43 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
Unknown | A44 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
Unknown | A45 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
The millenium | A46 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
The personal defeat of Satan | A47 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
The final judgement | A48 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
Unknown | A49 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Copper |
Goats | V1 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 7 x 9 cm | Linocut |
Monkey | V2 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 8 x 7 cm | Linocut |
Monkees | V3 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 3 x 6 cm | Linocut |
Portrait Cabrera | V4 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 9 x 12 cm | Linocut |
Monsieur X. | V5 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Dinant | 7 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Citizens | V6 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 20 x 6 cm | Linocut |
Working people | V7 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 18 x 6 cm | Linocut |
The seriously ill | V8 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Dinant | 9 x 12 cm | Linocut |
Inspiration | V9 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 6 x 5 cm | Linocut |
Cloud | V10 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 5 x 4 cm | Linocut |
Owl | V11 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 6 x 7 cm | Linocut |
Rhines | V12 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 11 x 10 cm | Linocut |
Fantastic landscape | V13 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 14 x 15 cm | Linocut |
Death card Antoine & Marie-Therese Delhez | V14 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 7 x 11 cm | Linocut |
Women | V15 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 22 x 6 cm | Linocut |
Crawling lion | V16 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 65 x 24 cm | Linocut |
Standing lion | V17 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 28 x 37 cm | Linocut |
The review | V18 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 12 x 30 cm | Linocut |
The review | V19 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 25 x 21 cm | Linocut |
Selfportrait | V20 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 14 x 23 cm | Linocut |
Good day | V21 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 20 x 28 cm | Linocut |
The Individualist | V22 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 13 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Big selfportrait | V23 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 35 x 55 cm | Linocut |
Title page Zaire 4 (color) | V24 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 22 x 27 cm | Linocut |
Title page Zaire 5 (color) | V25 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 22 x 27 cm | Linocut |
Title page Zaire 6 | V26 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 22 x 27 cm | Linocut |
Poster : Zaire (in color) | V27 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 54 x 56 cm | Linocut |
The boy | V28 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 19 x 28 cm | Linocut |
Van Cauwelaert | V29 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 12 x 15 cm | Linocut |
Borms | V30 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 12 x 15 cm | Linocut |
De Gruyter | V31 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 12 x 15 cm | Linocut |
Felix Timmermans | V32 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 12 x 15 cm | Linocut |
Herman Van den Reeck | V33 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 12 x 15 cm | Linocut |
Stampaert | V34 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 13 x 19 cm | Linocut |
Claes | V35 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 13 x 19 cm | Linocut |
De Geest (in color ) | V36 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 15 x 27 cm | Linocut |
Krüger | V37 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 14 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Maria Delhez-Diels | V38 | Unknown | 1925 | Belgium | Antwerp | 17 x 18 cm | Linocut |
On deathbed | V39 | Unknown | 1925 | Belgium | Antwerp | 18 x 21 cm | Woodcut |
Selfportrait | V40 | Unknown | 1925 | Belgium | Antwerp | 14 x 18 cm | Woodcut |
Trees | V41 | Unknown | 1925 | Belgium | Antwerp | 21 x 25 cm | Woodcut |
House | V42 | Unknown | 1925 | Belgium | Antwerp | 20 x 26 cm | Woodcut |
Cosmogony | V43 | Unknown | 1925 | Belgium | Antwerp | 31 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Motor La Buire | V44 | Unknown | 1925 | Belgium | Antwerp | 23 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Goats | V45 | Unknown | 1925 | Belgium | Antwerp | 33 x 24 cm | Woodcut |
Monkees | V46 | Unknown | 1925 | Belgium | Antwerp | 30 x 28 cm | Woodcut |
Sheep | V47 | Unknown | 1925 | Belgium | Antwerp | 35 x 12 cm | Woodcut |
Cats | V48 | Unknown | 1925 | Belgium | Antwerp | 31 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Parrots | V49 | Unknown | 1925 | Belgium | Antwerp | 13 x 20 cm | Woodcut |
Nelly | V50 | Unknown | 1925 | Belgium | Antwerp | 10 x 18 cm | Woodcut |
Sea monsters | V51 | Unknown | 1925 | Belgium | Antwerp | 3 x 27 cm | Woodcut |
Owls | V52 | Unknown | 1925 | Belgium | Antwerp | 25 x 37 cm | Woodcut |
Heaven | V53 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 24 x 19 cm | Linocut |
Piëta | V54 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 19 x 24 cm | Linocut |
Flemish superstition | V55 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 27 x 35 cm | Linocut |
Wrinkle walker | V56 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 30 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Bagpipe player | V57 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 22 x 27 cm | Linocut |
Luizenmarkt (Antwerp) | V58 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 30 x 38 cm | Linocut |
Jubilation | V59 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 27 x 35 cm | Linocut |
Windmill | V60 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 36 x 20 cm | Linocut |
Windmill | V61 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 15 x 19 cm | Linocut |
Vase with flowers | V62 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 10 x 15 cm | Linocut |
Cosmogony | V63 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 13 x 11 cm | Linocut |
Milberg | V64 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 21 cm | Linocut |
Hernan Milberg | V65 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 13 x 21 cm | Linocut |
Hernan Milberg (the son) | V66 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 14 cm | Linocut |
Noettinger | V67 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 20 cm | Linocut |
Noettinger | V68 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 21 cm | Linocut |
Naumans | V69 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 15 cm | Linocut |
José Leon Pagano | V70 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 12 x 16 cm | Linocut |
Palomar | V71 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 21 x 19 cm | Linocut |
Yolanda Pascual | V72 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 13 x 11 cm | Linocut |
Yolanda Pascual | V73 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 20 x 21 cm | Linocut |
Roberto Payro | V74 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 14 cm | Linocut |
Roberto Payro | V75 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 12 x 16 cm | Linocut |
Jules Perceval | V76 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 21 x 25 cm | Linocut |
Carlos Pereyra Yraola | V77 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Carlos Pereyra Yraola | V78 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 16 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Leonardo Pereyra Yraola | V79 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 80 cm | Linocut |
Petersen | V80 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 19 cm | Linocut |
Petersen | V81 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 14 cm | Linocut |
Marqués de Pinedo | V82 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 21 cm | Linocut |
Gustavo Peuyrredon | V83 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 20 cm | Linocut |
Gustavo Peuyrredon | V84 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 16 x 16 cm | Linocut |
Composition | V85 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 12 cm | Linocut |
Pio XI | V86 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Linocut |
José Poodts | V87 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 13 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Rezzoagli | V88 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 19 x 26 cm | Linocut |
Manuel Rojas Silveira | V89 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 12 x 20 cm | Linocut |
Rubbens | V90 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 21 cm | Linocut |
Rubbens | V91 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 22 x 30 cm | Linocut |
Rafael Jijena Sanchez | V92 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 12 x 19 cm | Linocut |
Rafael Jijena Sanchez | V93 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 11 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Myatita Siegrist | V94 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 16 x 23 cm | Linocut |
De Tollenaere | V95 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 14 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Edgar Van De Velde | V96 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 18 x 21 cm | Linocut |
Verbrugghe | V97 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 20 cm | Linocut |
Verstraeten Pontoz | V98 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 14 x 19 cm | Linocut |
Raul Villalonga | V99 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 18 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Max Villalonga | V100 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 13 cm | Linocut |
Willemen | V101 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 16 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Willemen | V102 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 14 x 21 cm | Linocut |
Dr. Willaert | V103 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 14 x 19 cm | Linocut |
Miss Willaert | V104 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 14 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Mrs. Yrigoyen | V105 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 19 x 25 cm | Linocut |
Mrs. Yrigoyen | V106 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 12 x 15 cm | Linocut |
Son of Mrs. Yrigoyen | V107 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 19 x 25 cm | Linocut |
Son of Mrs. Yrigoyen | V108 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 12 x 15 cm | Linocut |
Dr. Zabala | V109 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 12 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Dr. Zabala | V110 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 18 x 20 cm | Linocut |
Ziegler (verso 96) | V111 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 12 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Without title | V112 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 22 x 30 cm | Linocut |
Juan Manuel Acevedo | V113 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 18 x 33 cm | Linocut |
Son of Juan Manuel Acevedo | V114 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 29 cm | Linocut |
Daughter of Juan Manuel Acevedo | V115 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 30 cm | Linocut |
Mrs. Acevedo | V116 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 17 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Mrs. Acevedo | V117 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 18 x 24 cm | Linocut |
Mrs. Acevedo | V118 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 11 x 30 cm | Linocut |
Alesandri | V119 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 18 x 20 cm | Linocut |
Daughter of Araldi | V120 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 12 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Alexander Alekhine | V121 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 14 x 21 cm | Linocut |
Arning | V122 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 16 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Archbishop Arze | V123 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Linocut |
Archbishop Arze | V124 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 17 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Bravo Barros | V125 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 19 cm | Linocut |
Archbishop Bengolea | V126 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 20 x 26 cm | Linocut |
Archbishop Bengolea | V127 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 17 x 24 cm | Linocut |
Carlos Braun Menedez | V128 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 14 cm | Linocut |
Cacares | V129 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 16 x 23 cm | Linocut |
Cacares | V130 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 70 x 13 cm | Linocut |
Canaletti | V131 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 18 x 24 cm | Linocut |
Dardo Coulen | V132 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 9 x 13 cm | Linocut |
Christophersen Alvear | V133 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Linocut |
Vicente Martinez Cuitino | V134 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 22 x 25 cm | Linocut |
Alberto Daneo | V135 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 21 x 30 cm | Linocut |
Ruben Dario | V136 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 13 cm | Linocut |
Son of Del Carill | V137 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 18 x 21 cm | Linocut |
Daughter of Del Carril | V138 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 17 x 19 cm | Linocut |
Jorge Dinkeldein | V139 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 12 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Autoportrait | V140 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 13 cm | Linocut |
T.S. Elliot | V141 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 9 x 13 cm | Linocut |
Elena Sansinena de Elizalde | V142 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 23 cm | Linocut |
Elena Sansinena de Elizalde | V143 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 23 cm | Linocut |
Algel de Estrada | V144 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Linocut |
Pedro Figari | V145 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 14 x 19 cm | Linocut |
Son of Gabriels | V146 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 20 cm | Linocut |
Gantner | V147 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 14 x 18 cm | Linocut |
A. Gonzalez Garaño | V148 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 20 cm | Linocut |
Manuel Guiraldes | V149 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 24 x 28 cm | Linocut |
Ricardo Guiraldes | V150 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 21 x 34 cm | Linocut |
Ricardo Guiraldes | V151 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 23 cm | Linocut |
José Hernandez | V152 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Kempter | V153 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 17 x 20 cm | Linocut |
Lambertini | V154 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 13 x 14 cm | Linocut |
Son of Lambertini | V155 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 13 cm | Linocut |
René Lampi | V156 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 16 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Larsen | V157 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 18 x 15 cm | Linocut |
Leslie | V158 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 16 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Lomazzi | V159 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 12 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Fr. Lobet | V160 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Linocut |
Fr. Lobet | V161 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 13 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Mangudo | V162 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 16 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Eduardo Mallea | V163 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 12 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Mayol | V164 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 18 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Mendilaharzu | V165 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 25 x 28 cm | Linocut |
Menendez Behety | V166 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 11 x 16 cm | Linocut |
Dell Oro Maini | V167 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 12 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Ketels | V168 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 12 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Schmidt | V169 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 14 cm | Linocut |
Poodts | V170 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 13 cm | Linocut |
Tombeur | V171 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 14 cm | Linocut |
De Tollenaere | V172 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 14 cm | Linocut |
Martinez Cuitino | V173 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 12 cm | Linocut |
Lobet | V174 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 13 cm | Linocut |
Verbrugghe | V175 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 14 cm | Linocut |
Ziegler | V176 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 11 x 13 cm | Linocut |
Mr. X. | V177 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 14 cm | Linocut |
Mr. X. | V178 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 14 cm | Linocut |
De Vos | V179 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 9 x 14 cm | Linocut |
Professor Doctor Ir. Stan Leurs | V180 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 9 x 12 cm | Linocut |
Mineral | V181 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 30 x 23 cm | Linocut |
Mineral (head) | V182 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 20 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Mineral expression (horses) | V183 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 18 x 12 cm | Linocut |
Mineral expressions (horses) | V184 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 18 x 12 cm | Linocut |
Mineral Expressions (horses) | V185 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 18 x 12 cm | Linocut |
Orlov at the trot | V186 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 18 x 12 cm | Linocut |
Two yachts | V187 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 8 x 14 cm | Linocut |
Vignette | V188 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 5 cm | Linocut |
Vignette | V189 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 3 cm | Linocut |
Vignette | V190 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 4 x 5 cm | Linocut |
Vignette | V191 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 5 x 3 cm | Linocut |
Vignette | V192 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 3 x 4 cm | Linocut |
Effort | V193 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 9 x 13 cm | Linocut |
Cancer (magazine Criterio) | V194 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 7 x 7 cm | Linocut |
Palms under the see | V195 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 6 x 25 cm | Linocut |
Corals | V196 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 9 x 16 cm | Linocut |
Corals | V197 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 7 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Composition birds | V198 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 8 x 25 cm | Linocut |
Corals and nuts under the sea | V199 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 9 x 29 cm | Linocut |
Starfishes under the sea | V200 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 8 x 10 cm | Linocut |
Psychogons and anatives under the sea | V201 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 7 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Cepalhaspis under the sea | V202 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 5 x 15 cm | Linocut |
Jellyfish with beautiful hair | V203 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 8 x 25 cm | Linocut |
Ammonoidea and nautilus | V204 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 25 cm | Linocut |
Penguin | V205 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 6 x 19 cm | Linocut |
Ophisure under the sea | V206 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 6 x 14 cm | Linocut |
Ichthyosaurus composition | V207 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 16 x 7 cm | Linocut |
The man in the light | V208 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 20 x 26 cm | Linocut |
Sacred monkey on the city | V209 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 20 x 26 cm | Linocut |
Goths | V210 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 20 x 26 cm | Linocut |
Little ship | V211 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 20 x 26 cm | Linocut |
Vortex | V212 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 20 x 26 cm | Linocut |
Spring | V213 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 20 x 26 cm | Linocut |
Stars | V214 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 20 x 26 cm | Linocut |
Trees | V215 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 20 x 26 cm | Linocut |
Lake under the sea | V216 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 21 cm | Linocut |
Still life | V217 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 25 x 33 cm | Linocut |
Peacock | V218 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 22 x 29 cm | Linocut |
Snow | V219 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 25 x 32 cm | Linocut |
Telephone poles | V220 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 25 x 34 cm | Linocut |
Mister X. | V221 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 24 x 30 cm | Linocut |
Germanic symphony | V222 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 20 x 26 cm | Linocut |
Captivity | V223 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 29 cm | Linocut |
The speaker and the four vanities | V224 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 24 x 33 cm | Linocut |
Two semicircles | V225 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 12 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Musical 1 - Sect | V226 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Musical 2 - Falsely | V227 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Musical 3 - Fugue | V228 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Muscial 4 - One-two | V229 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Musical 5 - Rondo | V230 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Musical 6 - Elemental harmony | V231 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Musical 7 - Countermelody | V232 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Musical 8 - In the form of tuber | V233 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Jesus in Argentina 1 | V234 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 14 cm | Linocut |
Jesus in Argentina 2 | V235 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 14 cm | Linocut |
Three angels | V236 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 17 x 21 cm | Linocut |
Menu mutuality | V237 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 21 cm | Linocut |
The land of the lightning | V238 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 22 x 33 cm | Linocut |
Bridge in Palermo | V239 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 30 x 20 cm | Linocut |
House with crane | V240 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 16 x 12 cm | Linocut |
Landing site | V241 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 16 x 12 cm | Linocut |
Wharf 1 | V242 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 13 x 9 cm | Linocut |
Wharf 2 | V243 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 13 x 9 cm | Linocut |
Wharf 3 | V244 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 24 x 28 cm | Linocut |
House with bamboo | V245 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 26 x 18 cm | Linocut |
House with pole | V246 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 25 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Houses with willow trees | V247 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 12 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Houses with boat | V248 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 16 x 12 cm | Linocut |
Trees | V249 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 30 x 37 cm | Linocut |
Houses | V250 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 26 x 18 cm | Linocut |
House with dovecote | V251 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 12 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Landing site | V252 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 16 x 12 cm | Linocut |
Houses with palm tree | V253 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 26 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Palermo | V254 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 30 x 23 cm | Linocut |
Composition Buenos Aires | V255 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 18 x 26 cm | Linocut |
Milberg | V256 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 19 x 24 cm | Linocut |
A. Delhez | V257 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 16 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Rodriguez | V258 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 19 x 26 cm | Linocut |
Mrs. de Paz | V259 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 13 x 16 cm | Linocut |
Mrs. Gabriels | V260 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 17 x 23 cm | Linocut |
Mrs. Naumans | V261 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 13 x 15 cm | Linocut |
Mrs. Bunge | V262 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 15 x 20 cm | Linocut |
Mrs. Bunge | V263 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 16 x 23 cm | Linocut |
Son of Milberg | V264 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 12 x 14 cm | Linocut |
E. Vercalsteren | V265 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 20 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Alice Brespont | V266 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 21 x 28 cm | Linocut |
Composition | V267 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 21 x 29 cm | Linocut |
Composition | V268 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 14 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Son of Acevedo | V269 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 19 x 26 cm | Linocut |
Baby | V270 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 19 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Son of Milberg | V271 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 12 x 14 cm | Linocut |
Rubens | V272 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 12 cm | Linocut |
Puestredon | V273 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 12 cm | Linocut |
Verstraeten | V274 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 10 x 14 cm | Linocut |
Julio Rinaldini | V275 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 14 x 17 cm | Linocut |
Couple (15b) | V276 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Dinant | 5 x 13 cm | Linocut |
Negroes (24b) | V277 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 11 x 15 cm | Linocut |
Capitel with flowers (28b) | V278 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 9 x 15 cm | Linocut |
Hernan Milberg (64b) | V279 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 9 x 15 cm | Linocut |
Train (12b) | V280 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 10 x 13 cm | Linocut |
Title page (color) | V281 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 22 x 27 cm | Linocut |
Azunde pottery | V282 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 10 x 16 cm | Linocut |
Indian woman | V283 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 7 x 9 cm | Linocut |
Menu (party Biourge - Leuven) | V284 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Leuven | 10 x 15 cm | Linocut |
Berten Pil | V285 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 9 x 16 cm | Linocut |
Benoit | V286 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | Unknown | Linocut |
Mineral - Head | V287 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 9 x 7 cm | Linocut |
Mineral - Expression head | V288 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 18 x 12 cm | Linocut |
Orlov - Head | V289 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 9 x 7 cm | Linocut |
Unknown | V290 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Linocut |
Graveyard | V291 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 25 x 19 cm | Linocut |
Guard | V292 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 8 x 17 cm | Linocut |
African object | V293 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 7 x 15 cm | Linocut |
Unknown | V294 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Linocut |
Decorative figure | V295 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | 14 x 15 cm | Linocut |
Unknown | V296 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Linocut |
Unknown | V297 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Linocut |
Self portrait | V298 | Unknown | Unknown | Belgium | Antwerp | Unknown | Linocut |
Au Lecteur | B1 | 1931 | 1932 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
L'albatros | B2 | 1931 | 1932 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Le mauvais moine | B3 | 1931 | 1932 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 22 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Le guignon | B4 | 1931 | 1932 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Don Juan aux enfers | B5 | 1931 | 1932 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
La beauté | B6 | 1931 | 1932 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Parfum exotique | B7 | 1931 | 1932 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Sed non satiata | B8 | 1931 | 1932 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Le vampire | B9 | 1931 | 1932 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Le balcon | B10 | 1931 | 1932 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Les ténèbres (Un fantome) | B11 | 1931 | 1932 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Le cadre (Un fantome) | B12 | 1931 | 1932 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Le portrait (Un fantome) | B13 | 1931 | 1932 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Grand ange (Un fantome) | B14 | 1931 | 1932 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Confession | B15 | 1931 | 1932 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Harmonie du soir | B16 | 1931 | 1932 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Le flacon | B17 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Le beau navire | B18 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
L'irréparable | B19 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
A une madone | B20 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Les chats | B21 | 1930 | 1930 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Les hiboux | B22 | 1930 | 1930 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Sépulture | B23 | 1930 | 1930 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Une gravure fantastique | B24 | 1930 | 1930 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Le mort joyeux | B25 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Spleen | B26 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Spleen | B27 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Spleen | B28 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Spleen | B29 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
L'irrémédiable | B30 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Paysage | B31 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
A une mendiante rousse | B32 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Le cygne | B33 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Les sept vieillards | B34 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Les petites vielles | B35 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Les aveugles | B36 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Rêve parisien | B37 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Le crepuscule du matin | B38 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Le vin des chiffonniers | B39 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Le vin du solitaire | B40 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Une martyee | B41 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 22 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Femmes damnés - Delphine & Hyppolyte | B42 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Femmes damnées | B43 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Les deux bonnes soeurs | B44 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Allégorie | B45 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
La Béatrice | B46 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Un voyage à Cythère | B47 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
L'amour et la crâne (vieux cul-de-lampe) | B48 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Le reniement de Saint-Pierre | B49 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
La mort des amants | B50 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
La mort des pauvres | B51 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
La mort des artistes | B52 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Le voyage 1 | B53 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Le voyage 8 | B54 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Madrigal triste | B55 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
A une malabaraise | B56 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Les yeux de Berthe | B57 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Let jet d'eau | B58 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Le coucher de soleil romantique | B59 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Epigraphe pour un livre condamné | B60 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Le rebelle | B61 | 1932 | 1933 | Argentina | Buenos Aires | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Announcement | E1 | 02/02/1934 | 01/03/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Visit | E2 | 07/02/1934 | 10/03/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Birth of John the baptist | E3 | 08/02/1934 | 20/03/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Message to Joseph | E4 | 10/02/1934 | 02/04/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Triumphant Christ | E5 | 12/02/1934 | 10/05/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The star of the wise | E6 | 06/05/1934 | 25/05/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The shepherd's star | E7 | 07/05/1934 | 14/06/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Worship | E8 | 08/05/1934 | 27/06/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Infanticide | E9 | 11/05/1934 | 08/08/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Flight into Egypt | E10 | 12/05/1934 | 17/07/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
John the baptist | E11 | 11/07/1934 | 14/08/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Presentation to Simeon | E12 | 11/07/1934 | 25/07/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Jesus with the teachers | E13 | 03/07/1934 | 27/07/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Holy family | E14 | 18/07/1934 | 22/07/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Behold, the lamb of God | E15 | 14/07/1934 | 30/08/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The baptism | E16 | 10/08/1934 | 24/11/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Marriage at Cana | E17 | 29/10/1934 | 14/12/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The great temptation | E18 | 28/09/1934 | 24/01/1935 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The temptation | E19 | 07/01/1935 | 04/02/1935 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Calling of the first disciples | E20 | 26/01/1935 | 22/02/1935 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Expulsion of an evil spirit | E21 | 10/02/1935 | 21/04/1935 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The Miraculous catch of fish | E22 | 25/03/1935 | 17/05/1935 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The house of Jesus | E23 | 25/03/1935 | 16/04/1935 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Preaching in the synagogue | E24 | 06/04/1935 | 02/05/1935 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Preaching in the ship | E25 | 25/04/1935 | 03/06/1935 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Preaching on the mountain | E26 | 13/05/1935 | 18/06/1935 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Jesus cleansing a leper | E27 | 03/06/1935 | 29/06/1935 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Jesus in Simon's house with sick people | E28 | 14/03/1935 | 06/07/1935 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The first cleansing of the temple | E29 | 27/01/1936 | 01/05/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Healing a paralytic ((forgiveness of a victim) | E30 | 09/02/1936 | 09/05/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Vocation of Levi the tax collector | E31 | 18/04/1936 | 02/06/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Healing the centurion's servant | E32 | 25/04/1936 | 02/06/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The three days of the temple | E33 | 01/06/1936 | 19/08/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Jesus and Nicodemus | E34 | 20/08/1936 | 05/09/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Mary called Magdalene | E35 | 01/09/1936 | 02/12/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Resurrection of the Widow's son from Nain | E36 | 04/01/1937 | 21/01/1937 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Jesus and the Woman of Samaria | E37 | 11/01/1937 | 04/02/1937 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The Parable of the Sower | E38 | 28/01/1937 | 10/05/1937 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Punishment of wind and water waves | E39 | 07/04/1937 | 30/04/1937 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The boars of Gergesa | E40 | 25/04/1937 | 14/05/1937 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The resurrection of Jairus' daughter | E41 | 07/05/1937 | 23/05/1937 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The woman who touched Jesus' garment | E42 | 14/05/1937 | 02/06/1937 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The first multiplication of bread and fish | E43 | 28/05/1937 | 24/10/1937 | Bolivia / Chile | Cocaraya / Santiago de Chile | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The confession of Peter | E44 | 14/06/1937 | 15/11/1937 | Bolivia / Chile | Cocaraya / Santiago de Chile | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Transfiguration of Jesus | E45 | 18/11/1937 | 31/12/1937 | Chile | Santiago de Chile | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The damnation of Jerusalem | E45b | 12/02/1948 | 06/00/1948 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The Adulterous Woman | E46 | 18/12/1937 | 23/01/1938 | Chile | Santiago de Chile | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The good samaritan | E47 | 02/01/1938 | 14/01/1938 | Chile | Santiago de Chile | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Martha and Mary | E48 | 24/01/1938 | 12/04/1938 | Chile / Argentina | Santiago de Chile / Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Our father | E49 | 10/04/1938 | 27/04/1938 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Jesus walking water | E50 | 16/04/1938 | 29/05/1938 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The Sick at Bethesda | E51 | 24/04/1938 | 16/07/1938 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Healing the man with a withered hand | E52 | 26/06/1938 | 21/08/1938 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Jesus, his mother and brothers | E53 | 07/12/1938 | 26/12/1938 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The scribes who wanted to follow Jesus | E54 | 07/12/1938 | 29/12/1938 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Parable of the barren fig tree | E55 | 07/12/1938 | 18/01/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The seed sower | E56 | 07/12/1938 | 02/02/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The sign of Jonas | E57 | 07/12/1938 | 13/02/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The lost treasure | E58 | 07/12/1938 | 24/02/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The Pharisee and the publican | E59 | 07/12/1938 | 13/02/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The net with the fish | E60 | 18/03/1939 | 12/04/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The lunatic | E61 | 01/04/1939 | 17/04/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Common prayer | E62 | 14/04/1939 | 02/05/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The good shepherd | E63 | 14/04/1939 | 17/05/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Healing the man blind from birth | E64 | 14/04/1939 | 04/06/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Lazarus, the beggar and the rich man | E65 | 16/04/1939 | 07/06/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The lost son | E66 | 16/04/1939 | 18/06/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The rich young ruler | E67 | 28/04/1939 | 26/06/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Resurrection of Lazarus | E68 | 28/04/1939 | 03/07/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The road to Jerusalem | E69 | 28/06/1939 | 18/08/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The second cleansing of the temple | E70 | 07/06/1939 | 28/08/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The transfiguration of Jesus | E71 | 16/08/1939 | 11/09/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Jesus with the children | E72 | 28/08/1939 | 22/09/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Anointing of Jesus | E73 | 07/09/1939 | 30/09/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Entry of Jesus into Jerusalem | E74 | 07/04/1939 | 19/10/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The valuation token of the emperor | E75 | 07/09/1939 | 16/11/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The parable of the ten virgins | E76 | 14/09/1939 | 24/11/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Foot washing | E77 | 14/09/1939 | 12/12/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The Passover | E78 | 25/11/1939 | 20/12/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Gethsemane | E79 | 25/11/1939 | 25/12/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Judas kiss | E80 | 16/12/1939 | 25/01/1940 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
He is worthy of death | E81 | 16/12/1939 | 28/01/1940 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The Denial of Peter | E82 | 04/01/1940 | 31/01/1940 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Bar-abbas | E83 | 25/01/1940 | 14/02/1940 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The whipping | E84 | 25/01/1940 | 24/02/1940 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The crown of thorns | E85 | 12/02/1940 | 07/03/1940 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The Stations of the cross | E86 | 14/02/1940 | 14/03/1940 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Crucifixion | E87 | 07/03/1940 | 01/04/1940 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Jesus crucified | E88 | 07/03/1940 | 20/04/1940 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The descent from the cross and the burial of Jesus | E89 | 07/03/1940 | 29/05/1940 | Argentina | Totoral | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Resurrection | E90 | 07/03/1940 | 18/06/1940 | Argentina | Totoral / Mendoza | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The women in the grave | E91 | 25/09/1940 | 21/11/1940 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Noli me tangere | E92 | 28/09/1940 | 21/11/1940 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The women at the stations of the cross | E93 | 25/10/1940 | 10/01/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The disciples of Emmaus | E94 | 30/12/1940 | 14/04/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Ascension Day | E95 | 14/05/1941 | 31/10/1942 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Receiving the holy spirit | E96 | 14/08/1942 | 04/12/1942 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Jesus calls | E97 | 01/09/1944 | 14/09/1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 20 x 25 cm | Woodcut |
The wedding party | E97b | 07/06/1948 | 12/12/1948 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The ten men with leprosy | E98 | 07/12/1947 | 25/03/1948 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Doubting Thomas | E99 | 07/12/1947 | 03/04/1948 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The rich fool | E100 | 28/12/1947 | 01/05/1948 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 32,5 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Poltarnees, beholder of ocean | DT1 | 21/07/1935 | 09/02/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Poltarnees beholder of ocean | DT2 | 21/07/1935 | 15/02/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Poltarnees beholder of ocean | DT3 | 22/07/1935 | 19/02/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Blagdaross | DT4 | 16/04/1936 | 14/05/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
The madness of Andelsprutz | DT5 | 16/04/1936 | 16/05/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Where tides ebb and flow | DT6 | 17/04/1936 | 19/05/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Election day | DT7 | 17/04/1936 | 24/05/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Bethmoora | DT8 | 28/05/1936 | 14/07/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Idle days on the Yann | DT9 | 29/05/1936 | 17/07/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Idle days on the Yann | DT10 | 31/05/1936 | 19/07/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
The sword and the idol | DT11 | 31/05/1936 | 23/07/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
The ashish man | DT12 | 01/06/1936 | 26/07/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
The idle city | DT13 | 09/08/1936 | 27/08/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
In Zaccarath | DT14 | 04/09/1936 | 24/09/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
The field | DT15 | 05/09/1936 | 30/09/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Poor old Bill | DT16 | 24/09/1936 | 05/10/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Poor old Bill | DT17 | 25/09/1936 | 11/10/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Carcassonne | DT18 | 09/10/1936 | 26/10/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Carcassonne | DT19 | 10/10/1936 | 31/10/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
The beggars | DT20 | 07/11/1936 | 07/12/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
The unhappy body | DT21 | 07/11/1936 | 16/12/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Without title | DD1 | 07/04/1939 | 27/04/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Book organ player | DD2 | 28/06/1939 | 07/08/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Bard | DD3 | 07/07/1939 | 01/09/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Hunt | DD4 | 14/09/1939 | 29/09/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Spring | DD5 | 07/12/1939 | 28/12/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Fiancé | DD6 | 16/02/1940 | 24/03/1940 | Argentina | Totoral | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Kiss | DD7 | 07/03/1940 | 23/04/1940 | Argentina | Totoral | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Horse | DD8 | 07/08/1940 | 14/09/1940 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Oxen | DD9 | 07/04/1941 | 1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Rejected | DD10 | 07/04/1941 | 20/04/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Deer | DD11 | 03/051941 | 27/05/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Le revenant | DD12 | 12/05/1941 | 02/06/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Cat | DD13 | 27/12/1941 | 31/12/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Introduction to the dance of death | DD14 | 14/05/1942 | 25/06/1942 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Winter | DD15 | 14/05/1942 | 16/11/1942 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Middle Ages | DD16 | 07/03/1943 | 14/05/1943 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Three virtues | DD17 | 28/04/1943 | 06/06/1943 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Go or descend | DD18 | 16/09/1945 | 30/11/1945 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Atomismus 20th century | DD19 | 24/10/1945 | 09/01/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
To be or not to be | DD20 | 14/12/1947 | 06/02/1948 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Golden scherzo | DD21 | 12/1947 | 16/02/1948 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Wild boar and dogs | DD22 | 07/02/1948 | 18/05/1948 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Partisan | DD23 | 07/06/1948 | 24/08/1948 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Dios no existe | DD24 | 07/06/1948 | 08/09/1948 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Delicacies | DD25 | 18/12/1948 | 26/02/1949 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Art and sciences | DD26 | 20/12/1948 | 14/03/1949 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Maturity | DD27 | 22/12/1948 | 13/04/1949 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The seventh veil | DD28 | 24/12/1948 | 22/05/1949 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Cougar | DD29 | 25/12/1948 | 10/08/1949 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Me and the dance of death | DD30 | 31/12/1948 | 15/01/1950 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Ennedimensionalismus | DD31 | 16/07/1951 | 31/12/1955 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Hypnopedia | DD32 | 16/07/1951 | 14/01/1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
True Shrove Tuesday | DD33 | 16/01/1953 | 12/01/1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Cybernetics | DD34 | 1953 | 17/01/1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Diogenes | DD35 | 1953 | 1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Herodes legend | DD36 | 17/01/1953 | 20/01/1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
External skeletons | DD37 | 1953 | 1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
In three steps | DD38 | 1953 | 1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Gull | DD39 | 1954 | 1957 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Flying bucks | DD40 | 1955 | 1958 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Chapel at Sipe Sipe | S1 | 1934 | 1934 | Bolivia | Sipe Sipe | 36 x 29 cm | Woodcut |
Algarrobo at the seaside resort of Sipe Sipe | S2 | 1934 | 1934 | Bolivia | Sipe Sipe | 12 x 16 cm | Woodcut |
Witch tree | S3 | 1934 | 1934 | Bolivia | Sipe Sipe | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Parasitized tree | S4 | 1934 | 1934 | Bolivia | Sipe Sipe | 11 x 16 cm | Woodcut |
Five-fold self-portrait | S5 | 1934 | 1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Little indians | S6 | 1934 | 1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | Unknown | Woodcut |
Fransisco Anaya | S7 | 09/1934 | 20/09/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Matias Perez | S8 | 03/09/1934 | 28/09/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 16 x 11 cm | Woodcut |
Dario Coria | S9 | 04/09/1934 | 28/09/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 9 x 8 cm | Woodcut |
Dario Coria | S10 | 05/09/1934 | 30/09/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 12 x 15 cm | Woodcut |
Blanquita Urquidi | S11 | 15/09/1934 | 02/10/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 12 x 17 cm | Woodcut |
Fortunato Perez | S12 | 18/09/1934 | 16/10/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 16 x 22 cm | Woodcut |
Patsy Persijn | S13 | 20/09/1934 | 18/10/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 17 x 12 cm | Woodcut |
Eddy Persijn | S14 | 20/10/1934 | 23/10/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 22 x 16 cm | Woodcut |
Luciano and Felix Camacho | S15 | 02/12/1934 | 25/12/1934 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 17 x 12 cm | Woodcut |
Self portrait with rudder | S16 | 23/02/1935 | 01/03/1935 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 16 x 22 cm | Woodcut |
Flemish proverb | S17 | 12/05/1935 | 23/05/1935 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Lumberjack | S18 | 16/05/1935 | 02/06/1935 | Bolivia | Sipe Sipe | 16 x 28 cm | Woodcut |
Tomas Montana | S19 | 19/05/1935 | 03/06/1935 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 12 x 17 cm | Woodcut |
Composition Nahuel Huapi | S20 | 22/07/1935 | 03/03/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Ramiro Tejada Sorzana | S21 | Unknown | 16/10/1936 | Bolivia | La Paz | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Victor Domingo Silva | S22 | 22/01/1936 | 26/01/1936 | Bolivia | Unknown | 16 x 24 cm | Woodcut |
Pablo Guttierez (work destroyed) | S23 | 27/02/1936 | 07/03/1936 | Bolivia | Suticollo | 16 x 22 cm | Woodcut |
Construction of Buenos Aires 1 | S23a | 18/10/1935 | 10/03/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 9 x 13 cm | Woodcut |
Construction of Buenos Aires 2 | S23b | 18/10/1935 | 04/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 9 x 13 cm | Woodcut |
Construction of Buenos Aires 3 | S23c | 18/10/1935 | 12/03/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 9 x 13 cm | Woodcut |
Construction of Buenos Aires 4 | S23d | 16/10/1935 | 13/03/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 9 x 13 cm | Woodcut |
Construction of Buenos Aires 5 | S23e | 18/10/1935 | 17/03/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 9 x 13 cm | Woodcut |
Construction of Buenos Aires 6 | S23f | 18/10/1935 | 04/1936 | Bolivia | Cocaraya | 9 x 13 cm | Woodcut |
Ricardo Anaya | S24 | 05/03/1936 | 07/03/1936 | Bolivia | Cochabamba | 21 x 26 cm | Linocut |
Cocoliche | S25 | Unknown | 10/01/1937 | Bolivia | Unknown | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Ninon Salinas | S26 | 24/01/1937 | 03/04/1937 | Bolivia | Cochabamba | 12 x 15 cm | Woodcut |
Young Spaniard | S27 | Unknown | 28/01/1937 | Bolivia | Unknown | 17 x 21 cm | Linocut |
Young Spaniard - triple portrait | S28 | 28/01/1937 | 31/03/1937 | Bolivia | Unknown | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Young Spaniard | S29 | 29/01/1937 | 01/04/1937 | Bolivia | Unknown | 16 x 20 cm | Woodcut |
Edgard Ernalsteen | S30 | 24/04/1937 | 01/05/1937 | Bolivia | Unknown | 16 x 20 cm | Woodcut |
Gregorio Reynolds | S31 | Unknown | 13/09/1937 | Bolivia / Chile | Cocaraya / Santiago de Chile | 17 x 22 cm | Woodcut |
Young woman triple portrait | S32 | 28/12/1937 | 09/04/1938 | Chile / Argentina | Santiago de Chile / Cordoba | 27 x 24 cm | Woodcut |
Composition with nudes | S33 | 05/01/1938 | 02/04/1938 | Chile / Argentina | Santiago de Chile / Cordoba | 27 x 24 cm | Woodcut |
Fernando Arranz | S34 | 01/05/1938 | 08/06/1938 | Argentina | Cordoba | 16 x 19 cm | Woodcut |
Maria Carmen | S35 | 04/05/1938 | 17/06/1938 | Argentina | Cordoba | 17 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Lezame park | S35a | 25/09 | 1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 18 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Autumn sea | S35b | 27/09 | 1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 17 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Old well | S35c | 28/09 | 1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 16 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Island Madeira | S35d | 28/09 | 1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 18 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Announcement | S36 | 28/09 | 1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 18 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Mist | S36a | 28/09 | 1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 16 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Garen-roos | S36b | 28/09 | 1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 17 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Immanentia | S36c | 28/09 | 1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 16 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Island Madeira (variation) | S37 | Unknown | 28/09/1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 18 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Ex-libris Santiago Beltran Gavier | S37a | 12/06/1938 | 17/06/1938 | Argentina | Cordoba | 5 x 7 cm | Woodcut |
Nicolas Antonio de San Luis | S37b | 01/07/1938 | 20/07/1938 | Argentina | Cordoba | 24 x 27 cm | Woodcut |
Carlos Fernandez Ordonez | S38 | 12/07/1938 | 22/07/1938 | Argentina | Cordoba | Unknown | Woodcut |
Sarmiento Triptych (middle) | S39 | 20/07/1938 | 30/07/1938 | Argentina | Cordoba | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Sarmiento Triptych | S39b | 1938 | 1938 | Argentina | Cordoba | 11 x 15 cm | Woodcut |
Sarmiento Triptych - Hydra (rejected) | S40 | 20/07/1938 | 04/08/1938 | Argentina | Cordoba | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Sarmiento Triptych - Sower (rejected) | S41 | 20/07/1938 | 06/08/1938 | Argentina | Cordoba | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Don José and his son | S42 | 15/08/1938 | 24/08/1938 | Argentina | Cordoba | 25 x 37 cm | Woodcut |
Sarmiento Triptych - Hydra (side piece) | S43 | 17/08/1938 | 28/08/1938 | Argentina | Cordoba | 21 x 28 cm | Woodcut |
Sarmiento Triptych - Sower (side piece) | S44 | 17/08/1938 | 29/08/1938 | Argentina | Cordoba | 21 x 28 cm | Woodcut |
The two sisters | S45 | 25/08/1938 | 27/11/1938 | Argentina | Cordoba | 33 x 38 cm | Woodcut |
Karolienen | S46 | 04/09/1938 | 02/12/1938 | Argentina | Cordoba / Totoral | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Old windmill (from behind) | S47 | 04/09/1938 | 05/12/1938 | Argentina | Totoral | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Willow trees and shed | S48 | 08/09/1938 | 14/12/1938 | Argentina | Totoral | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Old windmill | S49 | 09/09/1938 | 14/12/1938 | Argentina | Totoral | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
The house of Roca | S50 | 09/09/1938 | 16/12/1938 | Argentina | Totoral | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Ex-libris Alberto Daneo | S51 | 26/12/1938 | 29/12/1938 | Argentina | Totoral | 6 x 9 cm | Woodcut |
Hermes | S52 | Unknown | 30/12/1938 | Argentina | Totoral | 6 x 9 cm | Woodcut |
Chica de los molles | S53 | 05/02/1939 | 19/03/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 12 x 16 cm | Woodcut |
Chica de los molles | S54 | 08/02/1939 | 21/03/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 12 x 16 cm | Woodcut |
Rodolfo Araoz Alfaro | S55 | 19/02/1939 | 26/03/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The door of my studio in Totoral | S56 | 01/04/1939 | 14/04/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 12 x 16 cm | Woodcut |
Ex-libris Santiago Beltran Gavier | S57 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Totoral | 4,5 x 5,5 cm | Woodcut |
Ex-libris Edgar Ernalsteen | S58 | 02/08/1939 | 06/09/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 3 x 5,5 cm | Woodcut |
Ex-libris L.S. | S59 | Unknown | 06/09/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 4,5 x 6,5 cm | Woodcut |
Ex-libris Santiago Beltran Gavier | S60 | Unknown | 06/09/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 3 x 9,5 cm | Woodcut |
Sergio Sergi | S61 | 25/10/1939 | 02/12/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 20 x 25 cm | Woodcut |
Dr. Borzone | S62 | 26/10/1939 | 06/12/1939 | Argentina | Totoral | 24 x 27 cm | Woodcut |
The angel of numbers | S63 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Totoral | 18 x 22 cm | Woodcut |
An ascension (also DD unknown number) | S64 | 06/08/1940 | 12/1940 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Don Quijoto on deathbed | S65 | 07/08/1940 | 20/10/1940 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 30 x 38 cm | Woodcut |
Composition | S66 | 25/09/1940 | 14/03/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Self portrait 1940 | S67 | 25/09/1941 | 28/10/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Study without support 1 | S68 | 17/10/1941 | 28/12/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Study without support 2 (round) | S69 | 14/11/1940 | 25/02/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Julio Suarez Marzal | S70 | 12/1940 | 01/03/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Study without support 3 (rush) | S71 | 30/12/1940 | 28/03/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Study without support 4 (sea) | S72 | 07/03/1941 | 11/05/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Study without support 5 (clouds) | S73 | 25/06/1941 | 01/09/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Ricardo Tudela | S74 | 06/07/1941 | 19/08/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Lorenzo Dominguez | S75 | 14/07/1941 | 23/08/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Jean Driesbach | S76 | 20/07/1941 | 24/08/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 30 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
Study without support 6 (mountain range) | S77 | 21/08/1941 | 27/10/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Study without support 7 (valkyrie) | S78 | 07/11/1941 | 1942 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
General Mitre | S79 | 1942 | 1942 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 14 x 23 cm | Woodcut |
L and F | S80 | 14/04/1943 | 28/05/1943 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Dr. Juan Ramon Sepich S.J. | S81 | 01/08/1943 | 20/11/1943 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Dr. Juan Ramon Sepich S.J. | S81a | 10/1943 | 28/12/1943 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Stone 1 (the two sleepers) | S82 | 25/08/1944 | 14/02/1945 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Liske Delhez | S83 | 14/09/1944 | 14/01/1945 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Stone 2 (modern motherhood) | S84 | 25/09/1944 | 03/03/1945 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The holy sheet | S85 | 02/10/1944 | 10/03/1945 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Silvia Raquel Cascarini | S86 | 17/11/1944 | 14/01/1945 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Dr. Guido Soaje Ramos | S87 | 18/11/1944 | 15/01/1945 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Stone 3 (Lorenzo Dominguez works) | S88 | 21/11/1944 | 14/06/1945 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Stone 4 (retrospective wanderer) | S89 | 08/12/1944 | 04/03/1945 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Norita Correas | S90 | 30/01/1944 | 1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
El pelao | S91 | Unknown | 11/03/1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
José Luis & Sebastian | S92 | 07/02/1944 | 16/03/1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Pendant 2 | S93 | 07/02/1944 | 01/05/1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Pendant 1 | S94 | 16/02/1944 | 01/05/1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Stone 5 (angel above bipartite city) | S95 | 21/02/1945 | 04/08/1945 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Alfredo Quinones | S96 | 21/02/1945 | 01/05/1945 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Justiano the victor | S97 | 25/02/1945 | 22/05/1945 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Enrique Rampone | S98 | 28/02/1945 | 09/10/1945 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Guillermo Kraft 1 | S99 | 12/03/1945 | 04/05/1945 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 14 x 19 cm | Woodcut |
Guillermo Kraft 2 | S100 | 12/03/1945 | 07/05/1945 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 14 x 19 cm | Woodcut |
Stone 6 (fantasy in fugue) | S101 | 07/06/1945 | 24/11/1945 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Stone 7 (prehistoric traffic) | S102 | 07/12/1945 | 17/02/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Mario Regis | S103 | 01/07/1946 | 20/07/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Graphic arts | S104 | 25/08/1946 | 05/10/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 40 x 33 cm | Woodcut |
Rotational family portrait 1 | S105 | 14/09/1945 | 13/07/1947 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Rotational family portrait 2 | S106 | 14/11/1946 | 07/08/1947 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Rotational family portrait 3 | S107 | 16/11/1946 | 19/08/1947 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Vicente San Pedro | S108 | 20/02/1946 | 06/10/1947 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Gloria and Gladys San Pedro | S109 | 22/02/1946 | 19/10/1947 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Alberto Daneo | S110 | 06/06/1947 | 27/10/1947 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
El mudo (The stupid one) | S111 | 08/12/1947 | 18/02/1949 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Lupi | S112 | 01/1948 | 08/05/1948 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Carmen | S113 | 07/03/1948 | 12/06/1948 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Ferrer | S114 | 20/03/1948 | 14/07/1948 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Miguel Angel Elgarte | S115 | 23/03/1948 | 18/07/1948 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Faustino Uvedo | S116 | 04/04/1948 | 20/07/1948 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Lima | S117 | 06/05/1948 | 23/07/1948 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Chris (five-fold portrait) | S118 | 24/05/1948 | 09/08/1948 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Luis Ramirez | S119 | 24/07/1948 | 07/02/1949 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Negrita | S120 | 14/11/1948 | 12/02/1949 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Constantino Zingaretti | S121 | 28/11/1948 | 13/02/1949 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Horacio Schiavo | S122 | 18/12/1948 | 02/03/1949 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Pereyra | S123 | 22/12/1948 | 16/03/1949 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Architecture and nostalgia 1 | S124 | 25/12/1948 | 05/06/1949 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Architecture and nostalgia 2 | S125 | 26/12/1948 | 06/07/1949 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Carlos Levi | S126 | 26/12/1948 | 18/09/1949 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Antonio | S127 | 30/12/1948 | 11/08/1949 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Elena | S128 | 03/01/1949 | 08/09/1949 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Don Alonso | S129 | 02/02/1949 | 10/09/1949 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Dona Pascua | S130 | 11/02/1949 | 11/09/1949 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Silvestre Bentivegna | S131 | 19/02/1949 | 14/09/1949 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Maria | S132 | 25/09/1949 | 14/06/1950 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Bernardo | S133 | 30/10/1949 | 19/06/1950 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Architecture and nostalgia 3 | S134 | 31/12/1949 | 14/08/1950 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
San Martin | S135 | 21/05/1950 | 25/06/1950 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Coca | S136 | 03/06/1950 | 26/12/1950 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Nancy | S137 | 04/06/1950 | 31/12/1950 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Triangle (the black) | S138 | 10/06/1950 | 04/04/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Architecture and nostalgia 4 | S139 | 10/06/1950 | 16/10/1955 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Juan Castro | S140 | 15/06/1950 | 01/01/1951 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Mario Mosconi | S141 | 25/06/1950 | 04/01/1951 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The urbanite in gray | S142 | 29/06/1950 | 03/03/1951 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Jan the truth | S143 | 30/06/1951 | 06/04/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The three thieves | S144 | 30/06/1950 | 11/04/1951 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Half-animal | S145 | 30/06/1950 | 18/04/1951 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The three towers of Hualilan | S146 | 01/07/1950 | 23/04/1951 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Do you remember ungrateful duckling? | S147 | 01/07/1950 | 22/04/1951 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Charles Baudelaire | S148 | 26/08/1950 | 31/07/1951 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 18 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Holy Mary Louis Grignon de Montfort | S149 | 28/10/1950 | 10/01/1951 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Miss Carpinacci and her son | S150 | 10/1950 | 08/02/1951 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Mr. X. | S151 | 12/1950 | 16/02/1951 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Pina | S152 | 10/01/1951 | 14/07/1951 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Victor Bossart | S153 | 1951 | 1951 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The body without soul | S154 | 02/05/1951 | 27/04/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Triangle | S155 | 04/05/1951 | 30/04/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The bad watcher | S156 | 09/05/1951 | 22/05/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Where you go and never come back from | S157 | 10/05/1951 | 11/05/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The saint of the orange tree | S158 | 12/05/1951 | 14/05/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Half animal | S159 | 19/05/1951 | 17/05/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The three towers of Hualilan | S160 | 14/05/1951 | 21/05/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The three towers of Hualilan | S161 | 16/05/1951 | 25/05/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The freedom of the negro | S162 | 17/05/1951 | 27/05/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Do you remember ungrateful duckling? | S163 | 18/05/1951 | 31/05/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Victor Bossart | S164 | 20/06/1952 | 21/07/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The house | S165 | 16/08/1951 | 27/10/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Woodcut |
The machine | S166 | 16/08/1952 | 25/09/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Woodcut |
The city | S167 | 17/08/1952 | 29/09/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Woodcut |
The temptress | S168 | 17/08/1952 | 30/09/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Woodcut |
The cathedral | S169 | 17/08/1952 | 04/09/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Woodcut |
Suchard composition | S170 | 17/08/1952 | 04/12/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
The girl from the star | S171 | 18/08/1952 | 06/10/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Woodcut |
The girl from the star | S172 | 18/08/1952 | 10/10/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Woodcut |
Dialogue of despair | S173 | 19/08/1952 | 12/10/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Woodcut |
Dialogue of memory | S174 | 19/08/1952 | 16/10/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Woodcut |
Dialogue of recurring happiness | S175 | 19/09/1952 | 20/10/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Woodcut |
Title page | S176 | 20/09/1952 | 27/10/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Woodcut |
Graciela Elsa Franchini | S177 | 11/07/1951 | 09/08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 17 x 22 cm | Woodcut |
Rondo 1 ( of the castles) | S178 | 19/08/1951 | 04/06/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Woodcut |
Rondo 2 (of the willow trees) | S179 | 19/08/1951 | 10/06/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Woodcut |
Rondo 3 (of the rocks) | S180 | 20/08/1951 | 10/06/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Woodcut |
Rondo 4 (of the algorithms) | S181 | 20/08/1951 | 12/06/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Woodcut |
Rondo 5 (of the rosettes) | S182 | 20/08/1951 | 13/06/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Woodcut |
Rondo 6 (of the salons) | S183 | 20/08/1951 | 17/06/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Woodcut |
Rondo 7 (of the temples) | S184 | 22/07/1951 | 18/06/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Woodcut |
The bad watcher | S185 | 21/02/1952 | 21/06/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Do you remember ungrateful duckling? | S186 | 29/02/1952 | 22/06/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The beauty and the artist | S187 | 15/03/1952 | 07/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Feeling against feeling | S188 | 16/03/1952 | 07/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Circle deviating towards the infra-anecdotal | S189 | 17/03/1952 | 07/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 18 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Surrealized minerva | S190 | 17/03/1952 | 07/0952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Dialectic choice with handlebar assistance | S191 | 17/03/1952 | 07/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Surrealism, abstractism or concretism | S192 | 19/03/1952 | 07/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 18 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Women like cabbages | S193 | 19/03/1952 | 07/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Trio alta bossa | S194 | 19/03/1952 | 07/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Successive variant 3 | S195 | 19/03/1952 | 07/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 18 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Successive variant 1 | S196 | 19/03/1952 | 07/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Surreal betrayal on an abstract plan | S197 | 19/03/1952 | 07/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Word against speech | S198 | 20/03/1952 | 07/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 18 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Artistic provisions | S199 | 20/03/1952 | 07/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 18 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Successive variant 2 | S200 | 21/03/1952 | 07/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Psyche with opulent complexes and an astral globe | S201 | 21/03/1952 | 07/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Castle setting | S202 | 21/03/1952 | 07/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Bucolic fat and lean | S203 | 22/03/1952 | 07/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Archers of the blue bird | S204 | 23/03/1952 | 07/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Swans | S205 | 23/03/1952 | 07/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Borrowed landscape | S206 | 24/03/1952 | 07/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 18 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Gervicorino cordial rythmus | S207 | 24/03/1952 | 07/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Where you go and never come back from | S208 | 30/06/1950 | 11/05/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Scribble comes, scribble goes | S209 | 14/05/1951 | 19/05/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Simon Imperiale | S210 | 30/03/1952 | 10/08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Question against a discussion of horizontals, angles and a single vertical | S211 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 6 x 11 cm | Linocut |
Anecdote obstructed by an organ point in evolution towards the concrete | S212 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 6 x 10 cm | Linocut |
White road in an anecdotal perspective | S213 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 7 x 11 cm | Linocut |
Micro magistral composition | S214 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 6 x 10 cm | Linocut |
Another micro magistral composition but with frills | S215 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 6 x 10 cm | Linocut |
Sunny morning like any other | S216 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 7 x 8 cm | Linocut |
On a plastic compensated pentagram, a black and a white one in extension | S217 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 7 x 10 cm | Linocut |
Desanecdotization in the first power of a road connecting cities and villages and two reverent tracks | S218 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 5 x 9 cm | Linocut |
Boat like any other | S219 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 5 x 11 cm | Linocut |
Speech between arabesques with triangular syncopations | S220 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 8 x 12 cm | Linocut |
Countervocal of two circles and a half | S221 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 5,5 x 8 cm | Linocut |
Recover and do good | S222 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 8 x 10 cm | Linocut |
Field and sun abstraction in a recividistic perspective | S223 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 5,5 x 9 cm | Linocut |
Articulation of normal plans with declining gammings | S224 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 8 x 11 cm | Linocut |
Point counterpoint | S225 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 14 x 18 cm | Linocut |
The artist at work | S226 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 18 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Katzenjammer | S227 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 8 x 12 cm | Linocut |
Tectonic harmony with light horizontal stresses and deep vertical chords | S228 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 6 x 10 cm | Linocut |
Oblique melopee with tonal goal line | S229 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 5,5 x 9 cm | Linocut |
Out of series | S230 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 9 x 12 cm | Linocut |
Transatlantic like any other but seen from above | S231 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 5,5 x 10 cm | Linocut |
Triangular misjudgment in three-quadrilateral | S232 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 6,5 x 8,5 cm | Linocut |
Subconscious mind against superconscious mind | S233 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 8,5 x 11,5 cm | Linocut |
Slope over curved space | S234 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 9 x 12 cm | Linocut |
Abstractoceramabile and representodonte | S235 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 13 x 16 cm | Linocut |
Concrete in an abstract condition | S236 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 14 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Two stars in density on basso continuo with loose string | S237 | 06/1652 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 11 cm | Linocut |
Adipa and puraplastica, a close friendship on a firm footing | S238 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 9 x 10 cm | Linocut |
Variation on the sign of the illiterate Zorro in generous plastic material | S239 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 18 x 22 cm | Linocut |
The season of the eyes | S240 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Flowers and creatures sublimated in strict ghyka and an existential wall | S241 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Half a engraving is sufficient for a good hearer | S242 | 06/1952 | 08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 10 x 18 cm | Linocut |
AÏcita | S243 | 14/06/1952 | 30/08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
I.F.C. | S244 | 15/06/1952 | 19/11/1954 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Metamekanopsychic landscape | S245 | Unknown | 13/08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 18 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Neozodiak landscape | S246 | 27/08/1952 | 27/08/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 10 x 14 cm | Linocut |
Mechanical geometrical landscape | S247 | 10/1952 | 10/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 12 cm | Linocut |
Mechanical geometrical landscape | S247b | 10/1952 | 10/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 19 x 6 cm | Linocut |
Psychometmechanich landscape | S248 | 10/1952 | 10/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Telemecanopsychic landscape | S249 | 10/1952 | 10/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Imagine versus imagine | S250 | 09/1952 | 10/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 11 x 18 cm | Linocut |
Metapsychomechanical landscape | S251 | 10/1952 | 10/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 6,5 x 9 cm | Linocut |
Psychomechanical landscape | S252 | 10/1952 | 10/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 6,5 x 9 cm | Linocut |
Composition | S253 | Unknown | 10/02/1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 30 x 38 cm | Woodcut |
Architecture and nostalgia 5 | S254 | 07/01/1953 | 02/11/1953 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 38 cm | Woodcut |
Miss MED (Eva Peron) | S255 | 07/03/1952 | 09/06/1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 22 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Ana Ferrer | S256 | 15/04/1953 | 03/06/1953 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Marcelin Champagnat | S257 | 16/03/1953 | 14/06/1953 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Microscherzino 1 - Gyneceo | S258 | 03/08/1955 | 15/03/1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 6,5 x 9 cm | Woodcut |
Microscherzino 2 - the tree and the dog | S259 | 12/08/1954 | 15/03/1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 6,5 x 9 cm | Woodcut |
Microscherzino 3 - landscape | S260 | 14/08/1954 | 15/03/1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 6,5 x 9 cm | Woodcut |
Microscherzino 4 - seamonster | S261 | 28/08/1954 | 18/03/1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 6,5 x 9 cm | Woodcut |
Microscherzino 5 - caravan ship | S262 | 03/09/1954 | 18/03/1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 6,5 x 9 cm | Woodcut |
Microscherzino 6 - five cables | S263 | 04/09/1954 | 18/03/1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 6,5 x 9 cm | Woodcut |
Microscherzino 7 - metropolis | S264 | 05/09/1954 | 19/03/1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 6,5 x 9 cm | Woodcut |
Architecture and nostalgia 6 | S265 | 11/09/1954 | 1955 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 33 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Adolfo Calle | S266 | 06/1954 | 06/1954 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 18 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Don José | S267 | 19/06/1954 | 19/01/1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Father of Juan Goldaracena | S268 | Unknown | 19/09/1955 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
December | S269 | 07/09/1955 | 09/11/1955 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 19 x 22 cm | Linocut |
Architecture and nostalgia 7 | S270 | Unknown | 19/11/1955 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 30 x 38 cm | Woodcut |
Architecture and nostalgia 8 | S271 | Unknown | 09/11/1955 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 32 x 40 cm | Woodcut |
Architecture and nostalgia 9 | S272 | Unknown | 21/11/1955 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 30 x 33 cm | Woodcut |
Guerino | S273 | Unknown | 01/03/1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Engineer Rodolfo Roby | S274 | Unknown | 20/03/1956 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Unknown | S275 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S276 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Architecture and nostalgia 10 | S277 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Woodcut |
Architecture and nostalgia 11 | S278 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Woodcut |
Unknown | S279 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S280 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S281 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S282 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S283 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S284 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S285 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S286 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S287 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S288 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S289 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S290 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S291 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S292 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S293 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S294 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S295 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S296 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S297 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S298 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S299 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S300 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S301 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S302 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S303 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S304 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S305 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S306 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S307 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S308 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S309 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S310 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S311 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S312 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Architecture and nostalgia 12 | S313 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Woodcut |
Unknown | S314 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S315 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S316 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S317 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S318 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S319 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S320 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S321 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S322 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S323 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S324 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S325 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Architecture and nostalgia 13 | S326 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Woodcut |
Unknown | S327 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S328 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S329 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S330 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S331 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S332 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S333 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Architecture and nostalgia 14 | S334 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Woodcut |
Unknown | S335 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S336 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S337 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S338 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S339 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S340 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S341 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S342 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S343 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S344 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S345 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S346 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S347 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S348 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Architecture and nostalgia 15 | S349 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Woodcut |
Unknown | S350 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S351 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S352 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S353 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S354 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S355 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S356 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S357 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S358 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S359 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S360 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S361 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S362 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Architecture and nostalgia 16 | S363 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Woodcut |
Architecture and nostalgia 17 | S364 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Woodcut |
Architecture and nostalgia 18 | S365 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Woodcut |
Architecture and nostalgia 19 | S366 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Woodcut |
Unknown | S367 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S368 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S369 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S370 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S371 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S372 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S373 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S374 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S375 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S376 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S377 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S378 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S379 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S380 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S381 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S382 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S383 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S384 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S385 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S386 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S387 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S388 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S389 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S390 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Architecture and nostalgia 20 | S391 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Woodcut |
Unknown | S392 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S393 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S394 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S395 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S396 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S397 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S398 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S399 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Architecture and nostalgia 21 | S400 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Woodcut |
Unknown | S401 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Architecture and nostalgia 22 | S402 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Woodcut |
Architecture and nostalgia 23 | S403 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Woodcut |
Architecture and nostalgia 25 | S404 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Woodcut |
Unknown | S405 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Architecture and nostalgia 24 | S406 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Woodcut |
Unknown | S407 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S408 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S409 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S410 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S411 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S412 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S413 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S414 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S415 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S416 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S417 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S418 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S419 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S420 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S421 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S422 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S423 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S424 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S425 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S426 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S427 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S428 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S429 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S430 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S431 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S432 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S433 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S434 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S435 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S436 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S437 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S438 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S439 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S440 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S441 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S442 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S443 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S444 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S445 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S446 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S447 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S448 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S449 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S450 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S451 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S452 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S453 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S454 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S455 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S456 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S457 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S458 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S459 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S460 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S461 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S462 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S463 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S464 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S465 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S466 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S467 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S468 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S469 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S470 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S471 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S472 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S473 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S474 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S475 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S476 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S477 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Unknown | S478 | Unknown | Unknown | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Unknown |
Poor people (1841) | FD1 | 25/10/1940 | 02/09/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The boss (1847) | FD2 | 07/03/1941 | 05/09/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The boss | FD3 | 07/03/1941 | 20/11/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Poor people | FD4 | 07/08/1941 | 24/09/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The double | FD5 | 07/11/1940 | 03/01/1942 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Mister Projarchin (1848) | FD6 | 14/08/1941 | 18/10/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Nietochka Nezvanova | FD7 | 07/09/1941 | 22/10/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The mad feather | FD8 | 25/09/1941 | 18/11/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The boss | FD9 | 07/03/1941 | 20/11/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Nietochka Nezvanova | FD10 | 22/10/1941 | 19/12/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The little hero (1857) | FD11 | 25/10/1941 | 24/12/1941 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The double (1845) | FD12 | 07/11/1940 | 03/01/1942 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Uncle's dream (1859) | FD13 | 07/11/1941 | 09/01/1942 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Uncle's dream | FD14 | 08/11/1941 | 09/01/1942 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The village of Stepanchikovo and its neighbors | FD15 | 07/11/1941 | 14/02/1942 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The village of Stepanchikovo and its neighbors | FD16 | 07/11/1941 | 21/04/1942 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The old Smith and his dog Azorka | FD17 | 14/10/1942 | 28/12/1942 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Mystical fear | FD18 | 14/10/1942 | 02/01/1943 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Mamenka at the feet of Smith | FD19 | 02/11/1941 | 11/01/1942 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The coachmen laugh at Azorka | FD20 | 04/11/1942 | 17/01/1943 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Smith teaches Nelly to read | FD21 | 07/11/1942 | 24/01/1943 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Nelly shows Smith the body of Mamenka | FD22 | 09/09/1942 | 23/01/1943 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Smith dies | FD23 | 11/11/1942 | 1943 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Vania reads his novel to the Ijmeniev's | FD24 | 25/01/1943 | 16/03/1943 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Natascha reconciles with Alioscha | FD25 | 25/01/1943 | 21/03/1943 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Natascha is hiding from Alioscha | FD26 | 25/01/1943 | 25/03/1943 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Natascha abandoned | FD27 | 28/01/1943 | 22/04/1943 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Natascha rebukes the prince | FD28 | 28/01/1943 | 1943 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Meeting and farewell to Natascha and Katia | FD29 | 28/01/1944 | 1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Nicolai Seguievich Ijmeniev and his wife Anna Andreyevna | FD30 | 28/01/1943 | 1943 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The house of Bubnova | FD31 | 28/03/1943 | 06/06/1943 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Arzipov, Sizobriujov and Mitroschka | FD32 | 07/03/1943 | 29/09/1943 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The big belly punished | FD33 | 07/08/1943 | 08/10/1943 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Helena watches over the sleep of Vania | FD34 | 30/08/1944 | 11/10/1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Fight between the jubilee, Mamenka and Nelly | FD35 | 18/09/1944 | 24/10/1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Nelly notifies Vania of the prince's presence in her room | FD36 | 11/09/1944 | 01/11/1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Nelly died | FD37 | 16/09/1945 | 1945 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Vania meets Ijmeniev on the stairs | FD38 | 18/10/1944 | 21/01/1945 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Helena and the old German doctor | FD39 | 15/10/1943 | 27/01/1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Ijmeniev trampled outraged the medialion of Natascha | FD40 | 28/10/1943 | 1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The living room of Raskolnikov | FD41 | 16/09/1945 | 09/02/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The living room of the old woman | FD42 | 16/09/1945 | 17/02/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Katharina Ivanovna and Sonia | FD43 | 17/09/1945 | 21/02/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
How Katharina Marmeladov receives | FD44 | 22/10/1945 | 24/02/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The young drunken girl, Raskolnikov, the policeman and the lord infused with insights | FD45 | 24/10/1945 | 04/03/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Dream of Raskolnikov (the horse) | FD46 | 25/10/1945 | 08/03/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Dream of Raskolnikov (the oasis) | FD47 | 25/10/1945 | 11/03/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The murder | FD48 | 26/10/1945 | 13/03/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The old woman's suitcase | FD49 | 26/10/1945 | 16/03/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The shelter | FD50 | 27/10/1945 | 19/03/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Delusion of Raskolnikov | FD51 | 26/10/1945 | 24/03/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
How Raskolnikov likes to listen to songs | FD52 | 27/10/1945 | 26/03/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Consultation with Zamiotov | FD53 | 25/02/1946 | 22/04/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The drowned woman | FD54 | 25/02/1946 | 25/04/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Marmeladov's accident | FD55 | 25/02/1646 | 30/04/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Marmeladov dies | FD56 | 28/02/1946 | 12/05/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Raskolnikov and Polienka | FD57 | 28/02/1946 | 18/05/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Razumichin, Puljerie and Dunechka | FD58 | 28/02/1946 | 25/05/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Raskolnikov and the craftsman | FD59 | 28/03/1946 | 26/05/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Dream of Raskolnikov | FD60 | 28/03/1946 | 29/05/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Raskolnikov throws Piotr Petrovitch outside | FD61 | 28/03/1946 | 01/06/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Farewell and stupid confession from Raskolnikov | FD62 | 28/03/1946 | 04/06/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Raskolnikov kisses the feet of Sonia | FD63 | 28/03/1946 | 09/06/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Raskolnikov tortured and tormented by Porfirri Petrovich | FD64 | 28/03/1946 | 12/06/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Party in the home of Katharina Ivanovna | FD65 | 07/04/1946 | 22/06/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Raskolnikov confesses in front of Sonia | FD66 | 07/04/1946 | 24/06/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Katharina already crazy | FD67 | 07/04/1946 | 30/06/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The end of Katharina Ivanovna | FD68 | 01/07/1946 | 14/07/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Raskolnikov again with Porfirri Petrovich | FD69 | 01/07/1946 | 16/07/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov in the pub | FD70 | 01/07/1946 | 23/07/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The door and the chair | FD71 | 10/07/1946 | 28/11/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Dunia shoots at Svidrigailov | FD72 | 10/07/1946 | 07/12/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Svidrigailov in the pleasure garden | FD73 | 06/10/1946 | 24/12/1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The drunks next to Svidrigailov's room | FD74 | 28/08/1946 | 01/01/1947 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Dream of Svidrigailov (the drowned girl) | FD75 | 30/08/1946 | 11/01/1947 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Delusion of Svidrigailov (the five-year-old girl) | FD76 | 30/08/1946 | 21/01/1947 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Suicide of Svidrigailov | FD77 | 07/09/1946 | 30/01/1947 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Puljerie makes a cross on Raskolnikov's forehead | FD78 | 08/09/1946 | 03/04/1947 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Sonia attaches the cross around Raskolnikov's neck | FD79 | 08/09/1946 | 19/04/1947 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The drunkard dances, Raskolnikov kisses the earth | FD80 | 07/10/1946 | 04/05/1947 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Raskolnikov confesses his murder to Ilia Petrovich | FD81 | 07/10/1946 | 14/05/1947 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Raskolnikov makes love to Sonia | FD82 | 07/10/1946 | 05/1947 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
The end | FD83 | 07/10/1946 | 24/06/1947 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 23 x 30 cm | Woodcut |
Notification of birth Mario Julio Regis Delhez | MET1 | 1944 | 1944 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 13 x 16 cm | Copper |
Landscape without preliminary study | MET2 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 7 x 16 cm | Copper / Dry needle / Aqua vitae |
Landscape | MET3 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper / Aqua vitae |
Ex-libris Max Russac | MET4 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 8 x 14 cm | Copper |
Child that feeds itself | MET5 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper |
Expression study | MET6 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper |
Ex-libris faculty of philosophy and literature | MET7 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 8,5 x 16 cm | Copper |
Notification of birth Alberto Chris Delhez | MET8 | 1946 | 1946 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 13 x 16 cm | Copper |
Mother of the sculptor Lorenzo Dominguez | MET9 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper |
Pilutcha Tejo | MET10 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper / Aqua vitae |
Duval Vacca | MET11 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper / Dry needle |
Notification of birth Alicia Gloria del Carmen Delhez | MET12 | 1950 | 1950 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 16 x 17 cm | Copper |
Ex-libris Felipe Calle | MET13 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 8 x 10,5 cm | Copper |
Notification of birth Claudia Monica Carrol Delhez | MET14 | 1952 | 1952 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | 14 x 18 cm | Copper |
Ex-libris Jozef Muls | MET15 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 5,5 x 9 cm | Copper |
Bathers | MET16 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 7 x 10,5 cm | Copper |
Fish tank | MET17 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 7 x 10,5 cm | Copper |
Araknids | MET18 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 7 x 11 cm | Copper |
From the character to the alphabet | MET19 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 7 x 10,5 cm | Copper |
Horses (copper plate lost) | MET20 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 7 x 10,5 cm | Copper |
Anna Ferrer | MET21 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 12 x 15,5 cm | Copper |
Selfportrait | MET22 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper |
Liske Delhez | MET23 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper |
Christ of the Church and apokalipsus illustrations | MET24 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 7 x 15 cm | Copper |
Wonderful thanks | MET25 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper |
The groom and the bride | MET26 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper |
His throne, his tabernacle, his altar, his city | MET27 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper |
Warrior church, king church, bride church | MET28 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper |
Gate of the temple of Solomon in transfiguration | MET29 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper |
New covenant sealed by the eucharist | MET30 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper |
Association Man-God through God; Church-Jesus union by the holy spirit | MET31 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper |
Throwing movement | MET32 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper |
Circulation movement | MET33 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper |
Common assignment | MET34 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper |
Mystical body separates the church from its imitation | MET35 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper |
Contemplative church | MET36 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper |
Maternal care | MET37 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper |
Two maternity, virgin and fertile | MET38 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | 16 x 21 cm | Copper |
Acita | MET39 | 1955 | 1955 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Copper |
Claudia | MET40 | 1955 | 1955 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Copper |
Chris | MET41 | 1955 | 1955 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Copper |
Mario | MET42 | 1955 | 1955 | Argentina | Chacras de Coria | Unknown | Copper |
Ex-libris Vaccas | MET43 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Copper |