E94 – The disciples of Emmaus
“When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight.“ (Luke XXIV, 30 – 31 )
Delhez made this engraving when he had two good friends over, namely writer Alberto Daneo and ceramist Fernando Arranz (both immortalized in portraits in the S series, numbers 110 and 34, which we unfortunately do not have in our collection). Delhez attached a beard to Daneo’s chin. For the head of Jesus, Delhez used a bust that he molded himself.
This work was made in Chacras de Coria (Argentina) between the 30th of December 1940 and the 14th of April 1941.
Signed : Yes | Breda catalog number : E94 |
Condition : Good | Number available : 1 |
Gospel : Mark XVI, 12 – 13
Luke XXIV, 13 - 33
Year of creation : 1940 - 1941 |
Dimensions : 32,5 x 40 cm |
Additional information
Weight | 0,1 kg |
Dimensions | 40 × 32,5 × 0,155 cm |
Processing fee | Processing fee is 3,4% |