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E11 – John The Baptist


In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” (Matthew III, 1)

In the foreground we see a Quechua Indian, a native of the region where Delhez lived and worked at that time. Around the central figure we see other scenes including Zechariah and Elisabeth with her son John, the preaching, baptism, Salomé and Herodias.

This work was made in Cocaraya (Bolivia) between the 11th of July and 14th of August 1934.

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Signed : Yes Breda catalog number : E11
Condition : Good Number available : 1
Gospel : Matthew III, 1,3,4,16 & XIV, 11

Mark I, 3,4,6,10 & VI, 28

Luke III, 3,4,24 & I, 63

John I, 6,8,23,32

Year of creation : 1934
Dimensions : 32,5 x 40 cm


Additional information

Weight 0,1 kg
Dimensions 40 × 32,5 × 0,155 cm
Processing fee

Processing fee is 3,4%