E31 – Calling Levi the tax collector
“As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him.” (Matthew IX, 9)
The inspiration in this engraving comes from a French tax office. On the safe is a bust of a president reminiscent of Poincaré. A typical French kepi hangs on the wall. A railway is also visible. Jesus stands in the doorway and represents the working man. Levi the tax collector stands up to follow Jesus. The apostles pass by on the other side of the railway. One of them looks around. Next to the door we see the filing cabinets from A to Z, Alfa to Omega. Above the door is a coat of arms visible with a fortress on it.
This work was made in Cocaraya (Bolivia) between the 18th of April and the 2nd of June 1936.
Signed : Yes | Breda catalog number : E31 |
Condition : Good | Number available : 1 |
Gospel : Matthew IX, 9
Mark II, 14 Luke V, 27
Year of creation : 1936 |
Dimensions : 32,5 x 40 cm |
Additional information
Weight | 0,1 kg |
Dimensions | 40 × 32,5 × 0,155 cm |
Processing fee | Processing fee is 3,4% |